Remember when it comes to people like this - every objection is projection and their obsession is always confession. It's THEIR minds that are always fixated on sex, not us. They project out their salaciousness on to those they are mesmerized yet disgusted by then use their internalized sexualization to justify controlling others.

It's the same thing as during slavery when slave owners and overseers raped black enslaved women by claiming they were tempted by these women while calling enslaved black men as oversexed and threats to white women. Same stuff, different day....

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Absolutely. Like Bryan Slaton in the Texas House, always talked about trans kid’s genitals, then he was expelled from the House for date raping a teenager. I’m sure the more they focus on other people’s sex and gender, the more problems they have with their own.

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Yikes! I never heard about this stuff with Slaton, but yet again it all tracks. I never trust anyone who harps on other people's sexuality and gender. It almost always turns out to be one or more of the following: a judgmental jerk, a straight-up pervert, a hypocrite who rails against others' sexual behavior only to be caught doing the same, or worst of all a sexual abuser like Slaton. Same effn stuff, different effn day....

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