Jun 21Liked by Michelle H. Davis

when ever u see an R/MAGA/Trumper, be it uncle, aunt, preacher , cosuin, neigbhor , member of the PTA, scout leader , pastor, priest, home schooler, charter school teach/admin and parents., poker pals , golf foursome , co-workers, bosses

look em in their dead eyes and tell em they are horrible , Putin loving , Idol worshiping Nazi sympathizing treasonous, racist,wife beating bigots who the Founding Fathers would find to be disgusting. vile traitors to our Nation and Constitution.

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Jun 22Liked by Michelle H. Davis

a fun read: this from a FWST editorial about Gatez and his opponent...the naval officer part struck cause there is alot of them running as MAGA all over the place.. likely to do well for their mil constituencies but those constituencies could care less, they prefer blood and spectacle like every other MAGAite.


"But like our politics and political campaigns per se, our political journalism has rules and parameters, conventions, lines within which you are expected to stay. I suppose that if I were better at that-if I could take the boredom-I’d probably have had a different kind of career than the one I have had. But I get hung up on stuff, e.g., the idiotic words “radical candor” coming out of the mouth of a sniveling little weasel who is going to get stomped into goo by a beady-eyed, cosmically worthless, evolution-missed-a-generation smegma smear of a subhuman being such as Matt Gaetz and deserve it. It’s another little Battle of Stalingrad: It’s a pity somebody has to win; all a decent person can do is pray for casualties."

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/us-viewpoints/article289433320.html#storylink=cpy

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Michelle H. Davis

Dimmock is the retired Nava Officer running against Gaetz:

"It is not lost on me that, if what Florida’s 1st Congressional District wants is a “Trump Republican,” then Matt Gaetz is exactly what the witch-doctor ordered. And so I asked Dimmock:

“From a certain point of view-and it is my point of view-what you’re doing is trying to beat one dishonest, disreputable, dishonorable man so that you can go can do the bidding of a different dishonest, disreputable, dishonorable man.” Yeah: Gaetz is Gaetz-but Trump is Trump, too, and Dimmock insists he is a “Trump Republican.” And how in the hell does a self-styled “Trump Republican” have it in him to complain about anybody’s character: Matt Gaetz, Joe Biden, Pol Pot, etc.

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/us-viewpoints/article289433320.html#storylink=cpy

update: you can read the full article ..its funny as hell at MAGA expense.....without paywall of FWST..................https://thedispatch.com/article/it-is-time-for-radical-candor/

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pure d luncacy...the dope taking Trump Tx doc & Congressman from Tx- Bumfuckery* call for Biden to drug test

hootzpah or lunacy?....u know my choice

' According to a recent report, Jackson was known for taking sleeping pills and drinking alcohol while he was serving as White House physician for Presidents Trump and Barack Obama. "

*that's any hamlet outside of a MSA......so 249 counties in the Lone Star State

the State is building 7 mental hospitals...i don't think its enuff to hold all the MAGA lunatics after Biden is re-elected

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