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Chip Roy Says He Wants To Ethnic Cleanse White Progressive Democrats
How Chip Roy's Rhetoric Undermines American Values.
Every single day, these people tell you who they are. They seethe hate and try to use their power to harm people. They don’t understand that in a democracy, people of different political beliefs are opponents, not enemies.
Here is what he said:
A true American patriot champions what makes America exceptional: our diversity, freedoms, and ability to compromise to further the cause of democracy. Chip Roy possesses none of that thing. Chip Roy is about as anti-American as they come.
Of course, Chip Roy only feels comfortable Tweeting such nonsense because Republican gerrymandering drew him into a safe district. There used to be a time in modern American politics where advocating for ethnic cleansing for American citizens would have ended your career, but no longer, thanks to Trump.
Congressman Chip Roy wants to “ethnically cleanse” Americans who he disagrees with. This native Marylander needs to read the First Amendment; he needs to read the entire Constitution.
Congressman Chip Roy has a history of being a horrible person.
Here are some of his votes from 2021, when Democrats had control. He was caught on video saying, “For the next 18 months, our job is to do everything we can to slow all of that down to December of 2022. 18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done. That’s what we want.”
Chip Roy doesn’t care about America or Texans. He only cares about harming people who don’t share the same views as him.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
Chip Roy’s temperament is similar to that of a child. In the age of Trump, perhaps this is now the brand of the Republican party, but we should all ask ourselves: Don’t we want the people who represent us in Congress to at least be emotionally stable?
Inferior leaders like Chip Roy cannot control their emotions under pressure and think like rational adults. The Congresspeople who represent us are supposed to stand up for our rights (all the people, even Democrats) and do what is in our best interests. How can they do that without integrity and an open mind?
Chip Roy is inciting political violence against Democrats in Texas. We have a right to our political beliefs without fear of retribution.
The most ironic aspect of his post is that in Texas, the majority of Progressive Democrats are not white. So, why are “white progressives” the target of his ire? Perhaps he sees them as “race traitors” for becoming anti-racist, which is a classic KKK sentiment.
We cannot allow individuals like Chip Roy to define our political landscape. His rhetoric, filled with hate and division, aims to dismantle the fabric of our democratic society. His actions and words serve as a stark reminder of what happens when we allow fear and bigotry to guide our political discourse.
However, Chip Roy’s views are not just his own—they symbolize a broader movement within the Republican Party. A movement that seeks to undermine democracy, suppress votes, and silence dissent. This is not just an attack on Democrats or progressives; it is an attack on the core values that underpin our nation.
Texans must see through the facade. Chip Roy’s actions are those of a demagogue prioritizing power over people. His approach to governance is antithetical to the democratic ideals we hold dear.
Are you as outraged as I am over his latest comments?
Call his office and tell him what you think.
Here are all the phone numbers to reach him:
Austin: 512-871-5959
Kerrville: 830-896-0154
San Antonio: (210)-821-5024
Washington, DC (direct line): (202) 225-4236
As citizens, we must demand better. We must hold our representatives accountable, ensuring they represent our values and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.
We can vote out Chip Roy in November.
Dr. Kristin Hook is running against him; please consider volunteering or donating to her campaign and following her on social media. Here are her website, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
We have to continue speaking out against injustice. Silence in the face of hate is complicity. Chip Roy and those like him represent a threat not just to Democrats but to democracy itself.
Vote early, vote often, just vote.
137 days left until the November 5 election!
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when ever u see an R/MAGA/Trumper, be it uncle, aunt, preacher , cosuin, neigbhor , member of the PTA, scout leader , pastor, priest, home schooler, charter school teach/admin and parents., poker pals , golf foursome , co-workers, bosses
look em in their dead eyes and tell em they are horrible , Putin loving , Idol worshiping Nazi sympathizing treasonous, racist,wife beating bigots who the Founding Fathers would find to be disgusting. vile traitors to our Nation and Constitution.
pure d luncacy...the dope taking Trump Tx doc & Congressman from Tx- Bumfuckery* call for Biden to drug test
hootzpah or lunacy?....u know my choice
' According to a recent report, Jackson was known for taking sleeping pills and drinking alcohol while he was serving as White House physician for Presidents Trump and Barack Obama. "
*that's any hamlet outside of a 249 counties in the Lone Star State
the State is building 7 mental hospitals...i don't think its enuff to hold all the MAGA lunatics after Biden is re-elected