I’m really enjoying following you, Michelle and love your work.

To me, Democrats in Texas need to go straight to the heart of the biggest issue: women’s right to be in charge of their own bodies. Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick are completely out of control and frighteningly evil. Call them on their hypocrisy. They want women and immigrants to die. Job 1 is to stop the Texas GOP head-on. Playing nice is getting us no where. Moderates and progressives in Texas should unite! And, I’m supporting Roland - not Colin.


Angry and Fed Up in Round Rock

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Thanks! I agree. Overall, I would say Democrats in office (most) have done pretty well at facing the GOP head on. Especially in the Texas House, and in Congress with Reps like Jasmine Crockett and Greg Casar. Texans have that spunk, and leadership really needs to reflect that.

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Thank you Michelle, you confirmed my instinct. I was a NO from the beginning about Allred. I have been donating to Roland Gutierrez.

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great analysis Michele,

i think i mirror ur thinking but as per usual apply shortcuts in rigorourous thinking and use my gut whenever possible...

1. 2022...women in Texas , using their 19th Amendement remedies, where were they?

2.Older Hispanics are as likely to be conservative as not, and since any and all conservatives don't think for themselves they will vote for Don King even as he moves to rescind DACA and entangle women and kids in razor wire. Young Hispanics, get your asses to the 0polls or its going to be Venezuela round here. Broke and starving but still pretty good beats....

3. I get 4-5 emails a day from Colin......he gets it....i wanna hear from him....I wanna hear from the other candidates.....not thru Tik Tok via Sanp Chat ...but a real email.........Guitterez, we hear not a peep, so how would I even know he's running?......We are not in Laredo or Uvlade. Does he even exist or is he just some South Texas fever dream? i dunno cause i never about him or from him....

downballot?.....they are all invisible.

4. I know i repeat this alot but think about it. How can we know who our D candidates are if we are not made aware of them. There are 50 R candidates signs up a block from my house and no D's. I could not tell u if I have a SR running to represent me or a D running to replace Kay. There was a feature length story in TT about Kay's seat , never mentioning a D by name. TT, that's our rag and they have so little respect they didn't even bother to squeeze in a mention of a D. They have decided the race

5. I hear via email from out of state D's. Alot. I know alot about races in Illinois and Cali and NY. I haven't got one email from any D candidate for any office in Texas , except for Colin.

6. It is not getting any better. What Michelle is saying is the girls may save us.....except they didn't in 2022. Maybe they will ,maybe they won't but in any case this is not a plan. That is not a strategy. This is a hope born out by little evidence.

7. Texas Dems have been losing since 1998....1998 people.........that 26 years, nearly a quarter of a century, and now we are serious? I don't believe it for a second......TDP is not serious, and i point out TCDP because it is the largest Red county in the USA, TCDP are not serious. It all status building and resume padding.

8. Our Texas Democratic Party leaders are losers, big time. Don 'the indicted' Trump knows we are losers and treats us like losers and encourages Abott to treat us like losers. Which he does. They+ laugh at us outright and are so outrageous cause they know we won't do a dam thing....Remember when Texas Dem fled to block voting rights lege...great job...........till they came back in collapse....TDP couldn't even figure out how to finance some leges upon whom that was a financial hardship......pure wimpery on TDP's part...there were even those wringing there hands that we would be so bold as to flee....of course R's weren't chastened . they went right ahead with draconiam legislation once the quaroum was met. That's TDP!

9 Remedy: Everyone at TDC quit, right now. Start over. Same for Tarrant County Dems, who are as good at loosing as it can get. It would seem they couldn't do worse but it feels like they will. Believe it or not Tarrant went from not so bad to very bad in 2 election cycles.....

10. Texas D party motto: "Waiting for Wendy" or "Waiting for Beto"....we are always waiting for a white knight and never bothering to organize on our own behalf.

11. West Texas billionaires are rewriting the Constitution and we are waiting for George Soros to pull our cajones out of the fires

12 WTAMU is going full Liberty U. and we don't have Dem clubs in 3 out of 5 universities in Tarrant County.

PS: see you at TCDP Mardi Gras party...........cause of course FTW is soooo Mardi Gras!

To me that says it all about how disconnected we are from actual voters.

PSS: My two candidates to replace Kay Granger say stupid irrelvant shit,,,,,thru their FB accounts...one has 80 followers.....so they talk to practically nobody about issues that are not relevant to 2024.

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So here's the truth , we have the world's most succesful economy in an urbanized state and we are less liberal than OKlahom(Med Exp) LA( Med Exp and Dem Gov) , GA(2 senators).

We were never the Deep South and certainly since post WW2 we won the jackpot along with Cali....and NY and WA...O&G, aerospace , ag, tech.....and education...we even have a disproportionate number of military dollars

once upon a time most poor white's were D's, their parents can probabley remember FDR and votred LBJ.

so why are we so illiberal? its not organic or pre-ordained.....it is the complete and utter failure of the Democratic party to compete in messaging and money and organizing...for a very long time.

Think about this : We are talking about the border of which the state has no real control or authority over whilst ignoring the 600k Texans denied Medicaid Expansion , such that maternal death rates are the hightest outside of Africa. Whose fault is that? Its Dems fault .....we are too lazy or cowed or stupid to relentlessly make an issue out of Abott denying FREE HC to 600k Texans. Most poor Texans don't even know they are getting screwed by Abott. It his choice to keep 600k from HC access...This rivals Trump's crazy covid policies in terms lives put at risk...Abbott and Co have us talking about trans care and book banning and the border..............and we play right along.

I for one am tired of the perennial discussion of national focus or national dollars on Texas Dems.............we have $2T economy, the 8th largest in the world.....we need not wait for dollars or atta-boys from anywhere.

We need to get our asses in gear and govern ourselves.

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PS: Goldman US-House 12 and McQueeny TX -97 both have adds runing on Spectrum....no Dem has even a sign up . I am going to call both races for R's.

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Gutierrez made two stops in Tarrant County two weeks ago, I went and saw him. I've been emailing you events coming up, including the Democratic debates in Tarrant County. Did you get it?

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correction: i did get teh one about the debates....i had emailed at address you gave me and it got returned....as far as i remember the debates email is all i have gotten from u

Tell me , from a purely practical point of view, how did anyone except the political active know about his visit. i sure didn't hear about it .

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Dear Friends, stop and think a moment: the Soros project...Texas Majority PAC is filled with Beto retreads and helicopter money......better than nothing but so indicitive of TDP and County parties inability to do anything.....Cameron County was thrilled to get $200,000.......that is only $200,000 for the most important Hispanic region tunring red and Camerion or TDP or some lib in Austin gotten filty rich off whatever the 1% get rich at , couldn't get $200k together, its up to Soros? Maybe some border business run by Hispanics and still voting D? there has to be some mightly wealthy Hispanics statewide? .My fucking Gawd ,what are we, Lower Slobovia, we can't raise some money to fight the good fight? That Brave Hearts is not because we don't have enough tech or voter lists or appealing message....or money available........It is because we lack any talent at any postion at TDP. The EC recycled its Chair after 2 declining elections and he continues to display his ineptitude.....How in the world is such thinking allowed. TCDP appointed a lawyer who has no discernable sales and marketing skills to be its Chair. She proves this lack of ability every day. WTF people! We live in a world awash in sales and advertising and yet we choose as our political leadership people who couldn't run a lemonade stand....usually lawyers BTW.

so we await the arrival of the next white night............this time Beto retreads ....not even the original. And keep dreaming of great brown uprising always just one more election cycle away

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Feb 2, 2024
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it may seem off topic but this article nails it and Texas Dems.....we have been cowed into silence and inaction......and i repeat......since at least when i was an ED for a Texas County in 1998...nearly 25 years

with the exception of Gutierezz*.,,,,who no one north of San Marcos has ever heard of , and Crocket....our primary candidates hew to this tactic.........never raise a voice to R's , as if they will some day magically vote D.


* i can't emphasize this enough Gutierez gang....North Texans have no idea who he is...

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Thanks for another informative and incisive article, Michelle. What a coincidence that I also gave the example of MJ Hegar to a group of friends recently explaining why it is necessary for Democrats to vote in the primary elections and make sure that they elect good candidates, who can defeat the Republicans in November. I made modest campaign contributions, volunteered and voted for MJ but definitely wished at that time after seeing her TV ad that we had selected a better candidate.

The ad showed MJ riding a motorcycle, which looked like the burly Harley Davidson, in one scene. So it tried to depict her as a macho, tough woman. She talked briefly about her military service, and we are all grateful for it and then showed her with her family. There was hardly anything in it to highlight her policy differences with Senator Cornyn. No wonder, she lost. Candidate selection is very important both for Democrats and Republicans to win elections, as we also saw recently in Georgia Senate elections.

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I'm honestly tired of moderates who try to placate the right, it's the reason nothing ever gets done.

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a little off topic............Border bill in the news...Senate near passage.....Johnson and House R's shoot down a bill not yet written ...offer none of their own

Texas Dems, will u have anything to say especially will u lay the blame squarrely and loudly and often on House R's?

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Yes, I saw a Joaquin Castro clip earlier.

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as much as they make an issue of it , i think we should make their do nothingism a bigger issue ...i know Crockett and the Castro's and Gut will get loud but every Dem at every level needs to engage in the fight.........read our dist 12 candidate's FB and see if you see any fight there!

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I figured it out.....i donated to actblue once ....colin got my email from there...

IOW he bought the list with me on it...something any candidate or County party could do

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i didn't need one...i suppport roland....i am talking about the 10M+ Texas Dems....

BTW Spectrum 1 News , where i first heard Roland speak, is basically calling it for Colin

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*a couple of examples.......Denise Wilkerson's website...runnning in Arlington. for Texas House.....clean, concise, comprehensible

Trey Hunt , running for Kay's seat doesn't have a website..,..Trey on the Hunt does...so google Trey Hunt and pick your way to the website. Trey ran before so there is no excuse except he doesn't listen to any advice. Gehrig google search leads you to his FB not website. If you bother to scroll down you can get his website where on the home page you can't discern what office who is running for until you scroll down the page. Most won't bother.

its 2024 people , nobody is gonna take the time to carefully look you up and read your policy papers......most simply want to size you up quickly as a credible candidate. A legible website can easily do that job. If you make it past the primary we care even less about your postions. You are a D, Team Blue, in mortal combat with the anti-Democrats anti-christs...Win or die trying.

Wilkerson, not in my district looks very credilble. On 1st glance, no Dist 12 US Congressional Candidate looks credible.

Texas House 97 Thornburn has signs up.....No US Dist 12 Candidates have a sign up.....its 1 month till the primary.

That initital bad look could be overcome if the candidate were to ever communicate with the voters and which alot don't.

It pains me but i changed my thoughts on Dist 12 simply cause no candidate seems engaged in the fight..I gleaned this from their FB which is the sole source for info on these guys. I have never actually heard a word from either, never gotten an email, never seen em on the stump, Mind you I have have communicated directly with these guys ,they have my email.

What did i change my thoughts to, you ask? I am thinking of not voting cause neither shows any competency in campaiging.

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before everyone falls into apolexey .....these are descriptors not pejoratives. Well MAGA is , but Goldman is Jewish and therein lies a weakness and frankly befuddlement .....In my curriculum R=MAGA= "jews will not replace us" and "Tree of Life" Synagouge and other racist tropes. That's a lot to answer for Mr. Goldman, if any one ever asks.......

to S.Gehrig on FB.....

"You will get my support if you respond correctyly : What will be your attack on a MAGA Jew (Goldman) about his and R's refustal to fund Ukraine?"

as you can see there are a dozen other questions but Ukraine is MAGA policy so it seems like a good starting point.

go get em 12th.

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a brief post to Craig Goldman on his FB .....Why do i think i am the only one who will ever ask him this question?

"Johnson shit cans lege for Isreal AND Ukraine..ur thoughts Craig?"

PS: if Gehrig or Trey on the Hunt ever do i will post here

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One of the new programs from the Texas Democratic Party was they were supposed to be training candidates of all sorts of things, marketing included. It was supposed to be done before the primary. I'll ask around and find out what the status of that is.

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I had always understood parties do do this...there are some TCDP website posts but attendance and quality is unknown.

i am quite open to criticizsm of being wrong.....but to me expense wise, simplicity of messaging wise and reach wise emails are a no brainer

national brands and national pols agree, so do the lawn care people


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10+million? Have a link for that?

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30M texans ........2/3 adults, if not voters ....so 20 million +/- 2M , roughly 45/45/10 D/R/I

so 8-10M want to hear our message..unscientific as all get out BTW

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nope........but ur making my point........i want guiterrez...i wrote that a few weeks back.....but practically speaking he is invisible to Tarrant voters. Maybe the big minds have figured out u don't need North Texas to win a primary.

i gotta say this: emails are cheap, as cheap as dirt....the fact i can't get an email indicates that the candidate doesn't have the wits or money to buy a list and compose a regular message.....alot use Facebook , about as useful as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to messaging voters.

I have never donated to colin but he managed to find my email address and emails alot...........

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Another dead hores i will continure flogging to death: TCDP has my email. they often send me something that hightlights Crystal.

They didn't bother to email that Roland is in town.....so i ask how would i know of when any of the various state wide candidates, including Roland, are in FTW ,if the local party doesn't tell me......i can't get on all thier mailing lists.....i don't know who they are ....i only know about Roland running because of LSL.

TCDP didn't notify anyone when Biden came thru or Beto came thru..................they don't do shit but meet and pat each other on the back and rationalize away why Tarrant is getting redder and redder................

They have no sense of shame about it......Crystal Gayden Attorney at Law has .no business runing a sales and marketing biz.............wich is what all campaigns are!

PS: we will never know if the Mardi Gras fundraiser paid for itself , but we do know that the facilities rental fees went to the MAGA hotel owners. They must think we are world class chumps.

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I post this just so folks can get a feel for why we fail....

I have exchanged a direct email with Gehrig , candidate for Dist 12. He has my email. Never have i gotten 1 more email. Best i can tell his campaign is FB only .

I post to TreyontheHunt FB.....personally i think that is immature moniker considering the serioiusness of Dist 12 constiuenciens. His mom must of thought it cute. Ask Kinky how far cute gets you.....I digress. He never eamils. He has campaign signs cause I had one last time, but he hasn't' gotten around to putting em up.....the primary is in month. so what are u waiting for Trey?

Tell me guys, why does Collin think it worth his time to email and run TV spots but you all are such experienced campaigners that u have conclued the occaisonal FB post is all u need?

Goldman raised $1m and is spending on TV right now........

What are we, TCDP, doing to help these guys? nothing as far as i can tell.

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I wonder if colin got it from the Democratic party. I think you'll get emails from Roland if you sign up for them on his website. There's also a Facebook Group called "Tarrant for Roland."

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love u michelle but i am making the broader point..............Dem candidates suck at campaigning............................ans so shouldn't expect much support.

some have websites, many don't. all have FB but if your a senior and not a computer geek you find FB puzzling at best, confusing more likely.

some 70% of seniors don't do SM, some 70% of seniors voter.

the cheapest method is to buy a voter eamil list , from some source , and email......*

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by the way of example...not a singe Dem candidate will say anything about this anywhere...... think about it.....old white people =maga ....we all agree , correcto?

...and those shut-ins have dumb hick redneck kids with confederate flags on their trucks and MAGA tatoos, , correct-a-mundo?

So GOP wants to stick it to pops and gammy

No Dem candidate in Tarrant will utter a sylable anywhere so that a voter could hear it. .

Our County Judge will get some space or airtime and call us Satanists and child molesters but we won't raise our voice in support of the eldery losing their proverbial meal ticket.

no wonder we are getting redder and redder


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Finally the how and why: it is pretty simple

in the 80's and 90's the Texas Democratic Party was by and for Worker's Comp Trail lawyers. They made billions off WC claims ...It was a feeding frenzy

As a consequence If you were a small biz you couldn't buy an affordable worker's comp or liability policy.

It exclued you from allot of business

GWB and his gang siezed on that, they were smart to do so, won on it, and have been in charge ever since

Lawyers strangled the Texas Dem Party in the 90's and still have us by the throat.

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In the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's the Texas Dem party was just a hand maiden to trail lawyers. I doubt they have relinquished much control even as we continuely lost Being a D potentate is revenue for them.

In 1998 Hays County gave the Dem Party Chair to Chas Soecthing.....Chas only claim to fame is that he was an associate of O'Quinn and Laminack , Attorney's at Law , who won the the Texas tobbaco lawsuit. The attorney''s fees were $2B, that's billions. Soeching was supposed to bring some of that money to Hays Dems.... He provided zero leadership....He was out of town during most of GOTV. We lost Hays County. For that performance he was appointed State Dem Party Chair Since he filled in for pervious 1/2 termer Molly Beth he was appointed by the SDEC over Gary Mauro, a former statewide office holder and Aggie. AKA a winner. Soecthing later went back to lawyering.

Then came Boyd Richie -Attorny at Law with Loncar Lion, personal injury lawyers..you've seen the commercials

Next and last , Lawyer Gilbert Hinojosa

So there you have it ,since early 2000's you have had nothing but lawyers as Texas State Deomocratic Party Chairs, getting us no where , leading us nowwhere.

And somehow we imagine something will change!!!!

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ps: 2/3/2024

headline from TT ...Dem 12th candidates still invisible

Goldman raises $1M

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