I have called for insurrection....specifially the Loser of CD 12 has more legitmacy to be Tarrant County Dem leader than the current failures. Go down to Sais, CD 12 runer up, and take charge.

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any thoughts MD?

"Turnout in the Republican primary is more than double that of Democrats, with 56,387 Republicans and 23,875 Democrats casting a ballot in the primaries. " - FWR

i had a bunch of EC's email me....legitmate complaints for sure.....sympotmatic of the malaise......and foreshadowing a continuation of that malaise

i offered a solution...yet to hear back

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Yeah. I'm writing about the early voter turnout, today. Stay tuned.

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a little slogan for the US House 12th contenders..........can't tell if Gehrig still campaigning....if so let me know..

AS retired AF Gehrig is is prime place to criticze SH Johnson and MAGA wanna be Goldman over Ukraine......to paraphrase Sgt Schulzt ......."he says nothing." Silent since Feb 1.

so here's one for Trey Hunt

"when Trump says Jump, Goldman acts like a jackrabbit"

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wehw!.....give me an aspirin or whiskey neat

Craig Goldman's block walker tried to rationalize to me how a Jewish MAGA adjacent Congressional wanna be would not be anti-semitic.................5 minutes of that irrationale hair spilliting and shape shiftin,0 justfiying self delusion left me in dispirited mood. Evidentally Mr. Goldman will stand up to the anti-semite racist MAGites....when he gets elected......

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Please don't do this yourself,,,,there is no point....i watched FWR/KERA forum. here are the reviews.

In his opening remarks, Gehrig, who wants to replace Granger, is a self proclaimed 'moderate' Dem.....since i have never heard this term before but am hearing it from sevearl candidates my guess is someone has decided that this is the way to win against MAGA. You can't see me but I am both crying and laughing at the same time.

Gehrig failed to mention failed border deal fail and whose fault it was but did spend a lot of words blaming DC dsyfunction on both parties.

Judging from his SM going dormant I assume he has removed his hat and thrown in the towel.

FWR asked him about the border, again he failed to mention the GOOPER's pulling their own rug out from under themselves......and then they asked about inflation????? That was it for questioning. So the forum as regards the very important Dist 12 was a joke.....

Hunt was a no show and by simply showing up with a pulse would have propeled him to front runner.

Tx 97 candidates- Diane....hard to fault except she is not speaking to what motivates 2024 vote

Thornburn too is a 'moderate' Dem.............is for women's reproductive rights. He compliements Jasmine for complimenting Granger and Coryn...................he somehow thinks bipartisanship is going to motivate voters

if we think MAGA is living in an alternate universe, we ought to look at ourselves.

abortion and the border largely ignored, no mention of Abott's insurection at the border, but there was much discussion of film subsidies. Definately nothing about 600k Texans w/o Medicaid Expansion.

Candidates anemic or misguied, forum itself was a joke.

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I agree with everything you say , in principle.........and it seems likely to be a contested Senate matchup.....or maybe Colin is way ahead...so that's the main attraction

in Kay Granger;s Dist 12- , the 'Defense' candidate, retired AF vet Gehrig hasn't commented on anything , especially Ukraine or should i say R's treasonously siding with Putin.....in 10 days.

Trey 'on the Hunt' FB reads like a campaign from 1992....lots of defund the miltiary and more social programs.........read the room Trey!

so I don't really have any serious candidate running to replace Granger which believe it or not is better than 2022 when i only had one non-serious contender for Kay's seat.....who knows in 2026 we may have 6 unserious candidates.

Thorburn, Tx House Dist 97 has a sign up, which to his credit he has one when no other D does, his sign reads MODERATE DEMOCRAT.........i don't even know where to go with this.........but it seems unless you go looking your not going to get any intel about any Tx House 97 candidates......so its a crap shoot at the polls......although MODERATE DEM kinda sticks in my head but not in a good way

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I'm not a fan of moderates either, feels too much like Republican-lite.

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as they say u can't fight fire with marshmellows...........Dist 12 and State 97 candidates as covered by FWR are generally characterized as marshmellows or mashed potatos. Meanwhile R's are screaming , not yelling, screaming , 'burn the place down' and anyone left alive, arrest and shoot.....especially uppity women"

maybe if someone who was there they can report if abortion was ever mentioned...otherwsie we are left with FWR characterizations.

i predict a rout


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funny thing on the way to the March rout...........i got a certifcates from both Hunt and Gehrig for being active FB poster

my posts are of the 'where they hell are u? ' variety

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FB post to Dist 12 Candidates............with Ukraine in the balance Goldman stays quiet and therefore loyal and complicit to MAGA and goes along with Lindsey Graham and SH Johnson to shit can funding of Ukraine and Isreal....

turn your back on .Isreal funding Craig Goldman...what do you tell them at the synagogue?

waiting for Gehrig or Hunt to take down Goldman.......................so are their Lockeed , Bell, JNAS constituents

If they don't they aren't worth our support!

That's what the party does, find quality candidates.....these guys are not ready for the responsibilties of Dist 12. That is the Tarrant Dem party's fault.

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