Sep 27, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

no one is telling Dallas Mayor Johnson, a black man no less, that Texas is going blue.

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Everyone has their price, turns out Eric Johnson's price was pretty cheap.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

I would love someone to tell me how anyone, especially an experienced pol,could join the insurrectionist, racist, lying GOP...its one thing if your white and yearn for the new confederacy, but a black big city mayor.?..........of course it is possible he is entirely venal and corrupt and see's an oppty................i don't think he will get 2 votes in any primary by any GOP'er. so what's left, political appointment or some Dallas developer offered him a job.?...... is he jealous of Clarence Thomas? Tim Scott? and wnats to be a leading Black R? the only other prominet R black GOP'er is huge critique of GOP on MSNBC> This one is most puzzling

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