About CD12..the R nominee is Jewish..as far as i know he practices his faith

any capable candidate can lambast Craig Goldman nite and day for the anit-semites, including 'fine people' Trump, that make up the R party.

will Hunt or the state or county Dem party?

will any reporter latch on to this?

I have done all i can to alert them.

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I think we should watch this summer and see what happens.

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i say we make it more enticing for him to repudiate all the racism/misogyny/ and antisemitism of his chosen party.....dear readers feel free to cut and paste above and FB him...believe it or i post to his FB...haven't been blocked yet

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Goldman, with good cause as Jew, could make for a different type of R......repudiating the racism and misogyny of the MAGA party......

he will win CD12 ...he does not need RW nuttery support

if he only had the courage, or heart , or brain

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As always, a great mix of raw data and informed analysis. Thanks, Michelle!

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an entreaty to my likely CD 12 Congressman....who BTW did me a solid on my D/L problem

Craig Goldman , Jewish , R-Candidate ...CD 12 Tx

Craig Goldman, will u stand up to the antisemites in ur party? Dist. 12 demands u repudiate antisemites and racists...ur gonna win so go ahead and start acting with character.

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