are we really this bad????:

TT- "Gov. Greg Abbott and Republican political groups are pouring money into three Democrat-controlled state House districts in South Texas, giving the GOP a financial edge and raising the prospect that the party could widen its majority in the lower chamber.

Across the three districts, Republican candidates raked in more than $1 million, dwarfing the $243,000 reported by their Democratic foes. Taken together, the fundraising suggests Republicans see an opening to make modest gains this fall across a House landscape where few seats are in play."

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are we really this bad? part II

CD-12...Jim Wright's Congressional District

Trey Hunt (D)- $25,000.....that twenty five thousand or a used Toyota

Craig Goldman(R)- $2.500,000 ....that 2-1/2 million dollars

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I have opinions about who is going to win and who isn’t. I’m not sharing them this close to the election, but I’m not optimistic for northwest Tarrant

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i can asure u CD 12 is a wipe out

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a brief msg to Crystal Gayden and the EC of Tarrant County Dems:

I suggest u all resign BEFORE election day so that candidates have some one to blame and save face otherwise ur hanging them out to dry.

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Tarrant will be blue. I think we’ll also see several House seats flip. I feel hopeful for TX24 and flipping VanDuyne, but we’ll just have to see with the rest. Who knows what happened if republicans underperform by 20%, or greater

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Descendant of the super-racist King Ranch King's to run as white candidate in Alabama's newly constructed district.....

truth is stranger than fiction


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