Good points. I previously would have thought those tip cards would be cringey, more for the domain of Republicans, but you've convinced me otherwise. We Democrats, need to be even more not shameless, but open, loud, courageous and persistent.

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Great article. People ask why I continue to live in Texas and I reply “because this is where the fight is.”One simply correction. It is Hood County Texas Democratic Women, not Hood County Democrat Women. This chapter of Texas Democratic Women have been carrying the democratic banner proudly for Democrats for years. We have several rural counties fighting the good fight all over Texas. The women are amazing.

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Thank you. I knew that, typo. I'll fix now.

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so here i go again....i repeat this stuff on the off chance someone reads it: scrappiness in Tarrant County? i am in stitches...........How bout moribundancy ..or disinterest or laziness. maybe sabatoge? I don't know what explain the absolute level of uselessness the Party is.

compare us to Hood Co....this time last year at the Opal Lee Walk ...10 of thousands, walking , congregating.....celebrating.............................NOT ONE SINGLE TCDP SIGN. North Crowley HI School carried a banner along the parade......u couldn't find one reference to anything resembling the D party or any D candidates..................................at an OPLA LEE EVENT....not a pin, or a hat or a t-shirt . The Mayor was there, Maga Mattie, but our Tarrant County Dem Party Chair Crystal Gayden was not, nor any members of the EC.....If you from Germany and reading this on a plane Opal Lee is the Grandmother of JuneTeenth and was just awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom............not big enough for our TCDP..but good enuff for Joe and Kamala.

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