Thanks again for a very informative article and all that you do to make a difference for the better in Texas by promoting the common good.

I totally agree with your concluding para where you state,”The system thrives on apathy, but history proves that when the people rise, change becomes inevitable. The question is: Will Texans finally demand better? The answer starts with you.” My answer is yes. Hope more will join.

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This was an EXCELLENT letter!! Thank you for your commitment to keeping us informed and engaged!

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Thank you for this informative article.

Glad to have someone cover Caroline more in depth.

I confronted Caroline at a town hall meeting here in Dumas back during the primaries. I told her I did not appreciate the rhetoric she uses on undocumented migrants, she attempted to flip it on me. her campaign page on Facebook blocked me also, after I made a post criticizing her.

She does not have the working class of the Panhandle in mind, she does not understand them one bit.

The article does a great job juxtaposing her stated positions with real issues Texans face. I'd like to add some regional issues from the Panhandle.

Maternity Care desert, Cow shit from feedlots in the air that causes health problems, lack of Rural public transportation, and many more.

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Thanks for the insight. I knew that about the maternity care desert, but not about the feedlots. That’s horrific. Texas is in such terrible shape everywhere, thanks to Republicans.

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Craig Goldman, replacing AWOL Kay Granger had $2m vs Trey Hunt with $15,000,.....That's 2 million vs fifteen thousand

he is Jewish. no one would ask him about ...well...u know....His deep thoughts about running as the 'jews will not replace us' ...Hitler adjacent Trump and MAGA party candidate . We will never know if his conscience was bothered in the least.

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The funding disparities are so drastic.

Her FB page is filled with only supporters. Hope Dems stay on top of her and other reps like her.

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GREAT ARTICLE, MICHELLE!! Your work needs to be seen and heard by millions!! And, Daddy thinks she ran a campaign the "right way" while she really believes she had to fight for her spot?? Holy hell!

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Great article breaking down where all the Republican funding is coming from and how the rich are now inserting their spoiled, privileged offspring into positions of power. And you're so right: if people don't get off their duffs and vote and participate in the democratic process (while we still have it!), we'll just keep getting screwed. What I can't fathom is how all the MAGAs, who also have to be suffering from food insecurity/poor or no health care, low wages, etc., etc., keep voting for these ultra-rich cabrones.*** All I can think of is that they are so poorly educated and caught up in the negative false narratives on social media and Fox that they think that all they really need is for the "woke" liberals to become "good Christians" like them. Really? I think Jesus is doing face palms these days. ***Excuse Spanish. Useful word however. The singular form, cabrón is basically a b*stard. I love swearing in Spanish because it gets my anger out but doesn't sound as bad as in English. 😂😂😂

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I love swearing in any language. 🤣

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I don't remember Allred our any candidate saying diddley about this.....'no wonder no one votes for us..what for.....


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I asked Allred about this when I met him. He said he's leaving it up to the state legislature and wasn't in favor of universal healthcare. Allred was a terrible candidate, so I endorsed Roland Gutierez, but he still would have been better than Ted Cruz.

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the turning point....'The Georgia peanut farmer turned politician won Texas’ 26 electoral votes in 1976 but couldn’t repeat the feat four years later against Ronald Reagan' - tt

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