Hood County Dems: they know how to express themselves, thus engaging voters. Supreme Kudos folks.
i recieved this as email and don't know how to link to so will cut and paste the email.
"Hi tim, I’m Adrienne Quinn Martin, the Chair of the Democratic Party of Hood County.
Last week, I shared a truly chilling video of a meeting in Granbury -- attended by several Republican elected officials -- in which a spokesman from Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) called for the death penalty for women who seek abortions or use IVF, including pregnant minors. Many extremist Republican elected officials and candidates have already pledged to make this dark vision of the future for Texas women a reality. Rural Texas areas like Hood County are the frontlines in the fight against fundamentalist MAGA extremists like this, tim -- where they feel free and emboldened to share their dangerous views publicly:
Paul Brown (AATX Director of Policy) said that IVF is a form of abortion and that when a fertilized egg is destroyed it should be considered murder, saying “Their lives [women] don’t matter any more than the babies’ they are killing.”
Brown also said how the group is against basic contraception pointing to the emergency contraception pill Plan B, saying that it “terminates or kills a baby prior to implantation -- which is an abortion”
Brown went on to say that they will “never be okay with abortions in the instance of incest or rape” with several audience members suggesting that pregnant women and doctors who perform abortions should be “held accountable” to the highest extent of the law.
this may not be news to most but it is news is that a County Party in a very red county is engaged in the fight....................
In the biggest county in Texas that matters electorally, Tarrant, its crickets all the time.
This doesn't have to be how it is TCDP......fire ur Chair and all her enablers and engage Tarrant County voters.....we want you to engage and inspire us.
Hood County Dems: they know how to express themselves, thus engaging voters. Supreme Kudos folks.
i recieved this as email and don't know how to link to so will cut and paste the email.
"Hi tim, I’m Adrienne Quinn Martin, the Chair of the Democratic Party of Hood County.
Last week, I shared a truly chilling video of a meeting in Granbury -- attended by several Republican elected officials -- in which a spokesman from Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) called for the death penalty for women who seek abortions or use IVF, including pregnant minors. Many extremist Republican elected officials and candidates have already pledged to make this dark vision of the future for Texas women a reality. Rural Texas areas like Hood County are the frontlines in the fight against fundamentalist MAGA extremists like this, tim -- where they feel free and emboldened to share their dangerous views publicly:
Paul Brown (AATX Director of Policy) said that IVF is a form of abortion and that when a fertilized egg is destroyed it should be considered murder, saying “Their lives [women] don’t matter any more than the babies’ they are killing.”
Brown also said how the group is against basic contraception pointing to the emergency contraception pill Plan B, saying that it “terminates or kills a baby prior to implantation -- which is an abortion”
Brown went on to say that they will “never be okay with abortions in the instance of incest or rape” with several audience members suggesting that pregnant women and doctors who perform abortions should be “held accountable” to the highest extent of the law.
this may not be news to most but it is news is that a County Party in a very red county is engaged in the fight....................
In the biggest county in Texas that matters electorally, Tarrant, its crickets all the time.
This doesn't have to be how it is TCDP......fire ur Chair and all her enablers and engage Tarrant County voters.....we want you to engage and inspire us.
That email came directly from the State Party, although Adrienne authorized it. I made sure to text her and ask as soon as I saw it.