Excellent reporting........i would add a coupe of comments
in my own state house and senate races we simply have no candidates who campaign.
That is not my fault.
one reason for the cohesiveness of R's is that they hang in gangs, church in paticular, but there are few civic orgs that aren't MAGAtized...dissent and they kick u out....
Excellent reporting........i would add a coupe of comments
in my own state house and senate races we simply have no candidates who campaign.
That is not my fault.
one reason for the cohesiveness of R's is that they hang in gangs, church in paticular, but there are few civic orgs that aren't MAGAtized...dissent and they kick u out....
i once belongeed to Fort Worth Fly Fishers*.....ur thinking fly fisherman,,,got a be a bunch of pinko enviros...nope the potentates were Tea Party..i was quickly shown the door..so i assume bowling teams.
sofball teams,etc are similarly dominated by MAGAites.........even in the n'hood Dems are afraid to put up signs cause their neigbors will ostracize them.
this is not a concession on my part........hit back.............so what if ur neighbors shun u.......did u really want to be their pals?
*kinda of a funny story.....FWFF organized an event on the Llano River.....a waterway owned and managed by the LCRA....and camped in Mason City Park.....another socialist org...........that night around the campfire they were all winging about governtment and Obama...the usual Tea Party claptrap....i chimed in: "I vote for Barach.....I was toast......the president went so far a to call me a communist.......i explained I actually owned one of Texas oldest business........mattered not...............do u think any who weren't Tea Party, and there were a few, came to my defense. Hell no! Lots of D's and I's are simply limp noodles.
At the begining of Trump's regime i sent a letter to my nearest neighbors.....'if u are a Trump supporter, we need never talk'...Cut in half the people i had to wave at doing yard work.
thing is ,everyone knew were i stood.....some surprising people thanked me, but because of their work they couldn't cop to being Dems.
That's how we have let MAGAites run over us....shear capitulation
We have alot of unions in FTW..Biden has energized Unions...I don't think TCDP has one Union Hall in its Roladex. Unions didn't vote MAGA cause they are racist wife beaters...au contraire.........Unions are quite demograhically diverse....They went MAGA cause R's sought out their support....
Excellent reporting........i would add a coupe of comments
in my own state house and senate races we simply have no candidates who campaign.
That is not my fault.
one reason for the cohesiveness of R's is that they hang in gangs, church in paticular, but there are few civic orgs that aren't MAGAtized...dissent and they kick u out....
i once belongeed to Fort Worth Fly Fishers*.....ur thinking fly fisherman,,,got a be a bunch of pinko enviros...nope the potentates were Tea Party..i was quickly shown the door..so i assume bowling teams.
sofball teams,etc are similarly dominated by MAGAites.........even in the n'hood Dems are afraid to put up signs cause their neigbors will ostracize them.
this is not a concession on my part........hit back.............so what if ur neighbors shun u.......did u really want to be their pals?
*kinda of a funny story.....FWFF organized an event on the Llano River.....a waterway owned and managed by the LCRA....and camped in Mason City Park.....another socialist org...........that night around the campfire they were all winging about governtment and Obama...the usual Tea Party claptrap....i chimed in: "I vote for Barach.....I was toast......the president went so far a to call me a communist.......i explained I actually owned one of Texas oldest business........mattered not...............do u think any who weren't Tea Party, and there were a few, came to my defense. Hell no! Lots of D's and I's are simply limp noodles.
At the begining of Trump's regime i sent a letter to my nearest neighbors.....'if u are a Trump supporter, we need never talk'...Cut in half the people i had to wave at doing yard work.
thing is ,everyone knew were i stood.....some surprising people thanked me, but because of their work they couldn't cop to being Dems.
That's how we have let MAGAites run over us....shear capitulation
We have alot of unions in FTW..Biden has energized Unions...I don't think TCDP has one Union Hall in its Roladex. Unions didn't vote MAGA cause they are racist wife beaters...au contraire.........Unions are quite demograhically diverse....They went MAGA cause R's sought out their support....