Thanks again for a very informative article and for urging readers to get involved in ensuring that Democratic supporters vote in the primary and general elections this year. It is good to strategize in Facebook groups, where we interact with like minded people. However, it is important to get involved with the county Democratic Party to build relationships with like minded voters in your precinct as Precinct Chair or Precinct Coordinator. I am Precinct Coordinator of my Precinct and it is so inspiring to interact with a lot of dedicated volunteers in the Bexar County Democratic Party and then interact with Democrat voters in my precinct. If one doesn’t want to go this route then sign up for Reach app with Texas Blue Action Network, which will help you with relationship based campaigning when you follow up with your own like minded friends and family members to make sure that they are registered to vote, have signed up for mail in ballot if eligible, have a plan to vote and do vote.

I am running as a Democrat for TX State Representative in House District 121, which primarily covers North Central and North Eastern San Antonio. In this district, out of 78 precincts, about 38 have no Democratic Precinct Chairs or Coordinators. President Biden lost this district to Trump only by 2 points. This district and Texas can be flipped if Democrats fill up such vacancies across the state and start building relationships with Democratic voters. Thoughts?

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I agree about getting involved with your local party. Unfortunately, I have spoke to people, especially in rural Texas, one too many times who have said that their local party is only used as a social club. I'm hoping that will eventually change, but we want people to get involved at every level. The county party should always be the first stop.

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Well, if this problem can be solved in urban counties that tend to be blue but have red pockets, that will be great as about 80% of Texans live in urban areas. I have been involved as a Precinct Coordinator with Bexar County Democratic Party for a year. They have awesome volunteers, who are very dedicated to the Democratic cause. There’s a lot of power in your writings. Hope you can advocate for readers to take a more active role with their County Democratic Party.

I do recall hearing in a Facebook group from a Democrat in a red, rural county that she felt afraid to openly go for meetings of the county Democratic Party or even make her political inclinations public. In those areas where the county party is inactive or if people feel intimidated in showing up for Democratic Party, they can use relational campaigning through the Reach app in systematically making sure that their like minded friends and family members in Texas vote. Thoughts?

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Texas is such a big state, that it's easy to forget that that it's almost like several different states in terms of culture. And I have heard similar about rural Democrats. It doesn't surprise me at all. The only way to cure this is to have active county parties everywhere, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

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using the most tortured reasoning....he has committed a 'Scalia'

what's remarkable is that he knows the word 'bohemian'

TM: "Paxton’s injunction filing is riddled with misinterpretations—oblivious or intentional, who’s to say?—of the stated religious beliefs and practices of a quarter of Texans, including the governor. Take, for example, the attorney general’s further attempt to debunk Annunciation House’s free exercise claim: “Annunciation House’s members appear to subscribe to a more Bohemian set of ‘seven commandments,’ including commandments to ‘visit’ people when ‘incarcerated’ and ‘care [for them] when they’re sick.’ ”

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Whilst you were still sleeping Ken 'the adulterer" Paxton wags his finger and destroys lives

"Texas attorney general requests transgender youths’ patient records from Georgia clinic" -from TT

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Paxton is a monster.

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Its pathalogical.....Motto: "we must do something to harm our constituents everyday , in every way"...

of course you won't hear a peep from any D so if your Paxton, why the hell not!

I think he takes great delight in getting over on all Texans.....see that weak chin and drooping shoulders...he has been bullied all his life and now he is getting even ,.on every one including your MAGA grandma in her wheelchair


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