The Houston Democracy Project - Its Time To Fight Back
Houstonians are leading the way in building a pro-democracy movement.
The State of Texas and Texas Republicans are undermining Houston and Harris County's political representation. They have removed the elected School Board and are attempting to overturn local elections, eroding the community's values and resource control. It is time to fight back and demand candidates running for leadership positions in Houston join the battle against these anti-democratic measures.
What is the Houston Democracy Project?
The Houston Democracy Project is a movement that seeks to make democracy a central issue in the 2023 Houston elections. This shift will only occur if Houstonians take the lead and prioritize the protection of freedom. Rank-and-file Democrats, activist Democrats, and Democratic clubs and organizations must demand more from candidates and incumbents.
Defeated Republicans in Harris County filed 21 lawsuits, now moving through a state court, to undo 2022 Harris County Democratic election wins. These cases are headed to the hyper-partisan Texas Supreme Court. And in Houston, the far-right Texas state government has taken control of the school board.  Â
Candidates for Houston municipal office in 2023 must join the fight with words and actions. There is too much on the line in the most diverse city in America for office seekers to hide behind the tired and failed fiction that city elections are non-partisan. Republicans don’t treat these races as non-partisan, and we shouldn’t either.  Â
The Houston Democracy Project demands that candidates in the 2023 Houston elections put democracy at the forefront of their campaign issues. This shift will only happen if Houstonians take the lead and insist that freedom be protected. Candidates and officials must meet today's challenges and be responsible for doing so.Â
There is a need for rank-and-file Democrats, active Democrats, and Democratic clubs and organizations to demand more from candidates and incumbents.
Houston municipal Democratic incumbents and candidates must support the Harris County Democratic slate in 2023/2024. They must be encouraged to have open discussions about increasing voter turnout and challenging police unions’ support for election deniers.
Neil Aquino, a rank-and-file Democrat, activist, and Houstonian, started this project. He has volunteered for Democratic candidates and causes and has experience in communications and strategy for Democratic campaigns. He organizes the Weekly John Cornyn Houston Office Protest, advocating for active participation in the fight for democracy.
Democracy is the most vital issue facing Houstonians today, shaping the foundation of their society and determining the course of their collective future. The ability of Houstonians to have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives, to hold their elected officials accountable, and to participate in the democratic process is paramount. By championing democracy, Houstonians preserve their fundamental values and pave the way for a more just, equitable, and prosperous future for all residents.
What can you ask/demand of 2023 Houston municipal candidates?Â
Will you make democracy a top issue in your campaign?
Will you discuss the issue on your campaign literature and website?
Will you speak up on the loss of our elected school board and continuing efforts to reverse Democratic wins in Harris County in 2022? Â Â
What are you doing to increase turnout and involvement in Houston City elections?
Can I count on you to help elect Democrats in Harris County in 2024?  Â
Will you use campaign funds and your influence to help develop and train non-white organizers in Houston? Progressive organizers?
Will you use your resources to strengthen pro-democracy forces in Houston?Â
Will you insist police unions and any group you seek the endorsement of will always support free and fair elections in Texas?
​If you are a Democrat, will you openly identify as a Democrat on campaign materials and in public appearances?Â
No more election deniers. No more Republicans seeking to undermine democracy. No more municipal candidates who won’t go to bat for the people who elected them.
Democracy is at stake.
How can you help?
Imagine Houston municipal politics in a new way.
Demand accountability from those who seek your vote.
Ask organizations you are part of to speak up for democracy, even when it involves tough conversations.
Visit the Houston Democracy Project to learn more.
Demanding better leads to a better society. By demanding that candidates running for leadership positions in Houston make democracy a central issue, we empower ourselves and hold our elected officials accountable. Houstonians can pave the way for a more just, equitable, and prosperous Houston, where freedom and the democratic process are safeguarded.
I love it...they show up at Coruyn's office every n Tarrant County we couldn't get a a couple of people to protest the attempt to kill off the ACA which effects every American, by FTWs own facist Judge Reed O'connor. think "Legislating from the bench": Remember R;s when that was a cri de coeur....