Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Michelle H. Davis

Why isn't Colin screaming about this to hi heaven?....I am not being rhetorical...doesn't someone know this guy enough to ask him.

“There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also—the theft and the bad management of entitlements,” Trump said.

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Jul 7Liked by Michelle H. Davis

its part of the 2025 Plan...they are foolish enough to print it out...maybe some D will take it seriously?????

"Trump’s mention of the “bad management of entitlements” brings to mind the Project 2025 policy agenda to eliminate and defund social programs. The plan, created by the Heritage Foundation and several other conservative groups to guide a transition to a Trump White House, states firmly that “our deficit problem is a Medicare and Medicaid problem.” - TNR

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Michelle H. Davis

by example; in this weeks Tarrant GOP Weekly Roundup.....Bo French, Chair, excoriated Broadway Baptist and TAMU Law School and United FTW for 'election interference" The interference French was talking about was a letter to DOJ asking to investigate jail death.....if u said 'unhhh" u wouldn't be the only one...

you can expect from now on its going to be 'election interference' any time a D goes to the can.

other nuttiness from the GOOPER Chair....Mattie Parker is a gay loving freak.... or.."FWISD Brings Back Sexual Material in Schools...or the R County Chair Ass. is in the bag for the Trans folks'.

this shitbag and all who support him and MAGA and Trump...........don't let em in ur house or near ur kids.

just saying

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Jul 9Liked by Michelle H. Davis

S-T covered the above story:

"Tarrant County Republican Party Chair Bo French took to social media over the weekend to accuse Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker of “pushing radical transgender ideology.”

Mayor Mattie ran as MAGA lite.........

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/article289853039.html#storylink=cpy

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Jul 6Liked by Michelle H. Davis

I appreciate you always bringing new enlightening information for us to consider. This is a powerful message - no matter who is at the top of the ticket, we must still work hard to help our local candidates if we are to have chance at stopping their extreme agenda. As you say, Texas is literally ground zero for Project 2025. It's up to us!

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Jul 5Liked by Michelle H. Davis

are u sure they are the worst? find me one D in Tarrant County that has anything to say about this.

Texas is one of 15 states that declined to participate in the Summer EBT program this year,

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gawd bless Dallas.....went to a pool party in Big D at a contractor's home.....he was white and about 65

hates Trump..........in fact he thought i loved Trump ...u know,I am white, 68, from FTW

the same guy in FTW...99% chance he's MAGA

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TCU is a private University and still the loathsome louses of the GOP can't keep their hands off it

from Tarrant GOOPER's weekly update*

"TCU is rebranding DEI, bribing professors to put DEI into their classes, and students are receiving full-ride scholarships for supporting DEI.

The new term for DEI at TCU is "FSC." FSC stands for "Finding Ourselves in Community." How nice. According to TCU's website, the program will be in place for the next five years at least. How do we know this is DEI in disguise? To start, they took the DEI acronym, put it into the curriculum, and just changed the name."

*for the new kids here...at least Tarrant Goopers write a newsletter.. from Dems. we get .silence......

wonder why they win every time?

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The Darth Vader of FTW Judges strike's again:

"A federal judge issued a temporary ruling Thursday in favor of the Carroll school district’s lawsuit, blocking expanded Title IX protections for LGBTQ students from taking effect in August. In his ruling, Judge Reed O’Connor* of the Northern District of Texas said the injunction covers the Carroll district for now, but requested briefings by July 18 on possibly broadening the ruling to include other school districts."

*O'connor tried to cancel O'care and its coverage of 20M or so live human beings...how do they sleep at nite?

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/northeast-tarrant/article289990599.html#storylink=cpy

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This is new: Trump's Secretary of Retribution has 350 names on a list. Here is how it works:

from NJ.com:

"If Trump is re-elected, Raiklin wants to enlist so-called “constitutional” sheriffs in rural, conservative counties across the country to lock up Trump’s political enemies. He lusts for “live-streamed swatting raids” against Trump’s political enemies on his “Deep State target list.”

“This is a deadly serious report,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) told Raw Story. “A retired U.S. military officer has drawn up a ‘Deep State target list’ of public officials he considers traitors, along with our family members and staff. His hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival of American democracy and freedom.”

Rawstory says Raiklins list, which has been circulating since January, “is extensive” and “includes numerous Democratic and Republican elected officials; FBI and intelligence officials; members of the House Select January 6 Committee; U.S. Capitol Police officers and civilian employees; witnesses in Trump’s two impeachment trials and the Jan. 6 committee hearings; and journalists from publications ranging from CNN and the Washington Post to Reuters and Raw Story — all considered political enemies of Trump.

The sheriffs would deputize some 75,000 military veterans — whom he says were forced out of service because they refused to comply with COVID-19 vaccine mandates — to carry out the arrests.

Sounds crazy? I suggest u stream any and all "Rise of the Nazi's" on the History Channel....

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to Craig Goldman-R , likely TX-12 Congressman, AKA the MAGA Hebrew

the following Twitt

"Any comments on Project 2025? What does Project 2025 do for the Jews, or too them? Anyone u know on the list? Say Bud Kennedy? What are u willing to sacrifice when deputized thugs show up at my door, or his."

followed by an email to local press: What about Bud? Will u protect Bud (Kennedy) from MAGA Gestapo?

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here is what the nice guys are doing behind ur back in the dead of nite, with ur money

"But an investigation by ProPublica and CBS News found that the system that funnels a growing pot of (TX) state money to anti-abortion nonprofits has few safeguards and is riddled with waste. "

some $140M..................................

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