in some post u gave the convention a positive spin......i was curious how they couldn't hold some crucial vote ..whatever that was..

turns out others saw EP differently

"According to my sources, the Progressives, LGBTQT, and Rural Caucuses are livid over how Hinojosa ran the convention. "

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Yes. I'm aware.

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Thank you for this report and thank you for beginning with the value of a party platform. As a big-tent party, we need the stakes to keep the tent a thing.

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he's the reporter at TT who covered the convention

don't get excited , i doubt he will leave his mom's guest room and come up and do some political reporting...

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I have invited Jasper Scherer of TT to be my invited guest...I will tour him around FTW and demonstrate how our problem are not an Israel/Hamas schism but rather how Tarrant County and Texas Democratics have absolutely quit campaigning.

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I incentivized the TT gang...I offered to pay Jasper's mileage, coming and going,and put him up at the Drover.

Don;t hold ur breathe

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