Hi, Michelle, do you know what the status of the summer food program for kids is? From what I’ve seen, the state has missed deadline after deadline – in August 2024, Jan 1 2025, and Feb 15. Supposedly there was also a March 1 deadline, but I am not sure of that. In any case, TX will leave something like $400 million on the table. It joins a dozen other red states in rejecting (if we have) this money. (In 2024, the state’s excuse was that it had not had time to prepare) Any info is useful! “GOP starves Texas kids” would make a neat headline! ;)
It was discussed in the Senate Finance Committee, but I didn't hear any solutions. Every single agency is understaffed and underfunded, and no one has the manpower or resources to divy it out unless the legislature passes a bill for it. I haven't seen any bills regarding it yet, but I'll look into it more.
is this what Trump voting South Texans have in mind?...by the way in my dictionary any R is by definition MAGA so to be honest Trump voting Hispanics are MAGA Hispanics ..so Magxicans?
I encourage any readers to watch a few of the CNN 'debate' shows...The MAGA lizard commentator absolutely mows down and plows under any Dem oppostion. Any and all. We are pathetic to watch.
we winge and wine and "Fetterman" our way to mush/ How come its only 2 black politicians that call out MAGA......Green and Jazy.....
do we white Dems secretly wanna be MAGA or they have tapped into some latent Confederacy in us?
My Jewish MAGA congressman shills for the antisemitic Trump and MAGA . He vot3ed for the heartless cuts to Medicaid and supports every fart from His Flatulent's mouth. He could be found under his desk when Muskrat was talking about the F-35. Not a single Dem in his district ever call hims out. You can post to his FB....nobody does..His district takes up a large part of the county . No party leader says anything, How would any independent or non voter know he's a smuck if we don't point that out...repeatedly....
Hi, Michelle, do you know what the status of the summer food program for kids is? From what I’ve seen, the state has missed deadline after deadline – in August 2024, Jan 1 2025, and Feb 15. Supposedly there was also a March 1 deadline, but I am not sure of that. In any case, TX will leave something like $400 million on the table. It joins a dozen other red states in rejecting (if we have) this money. (In 2024, the state’s excuse was that it had not had time to prepare) Any info is useful! “GOP starves Texas kids” would make a neat headline! ;)
It was discussed in the Senate Finance Committee, but I didn't hear any solutions. Every single agency is understaffed and underfunded, and no one has the manpower or resources to divy it out unless the legislature passes a bill for it. I haven't seen any bills regarding it yet, but I'll look into it more.
Alert: Children's Health , a big deal kids hospital in Big D no longer accepts CHAMPVA
that is the private health insurance for wives and kids of disabled vets....
sign of things to come????
is this what Trump voting South Texans have in mind?...by the way in my dictionary any R is by definition MAGA so to be honest Trump voting Hispanics are MAGA Hispanics ..so Magxicans?
I encourage any readers to watch a few of the CNN 'debate' shows...The MAGA lizard commentator absolutely mows down and plows under any Dem oppostion. Any and all. We are pathetic to watch.
Thats us.....we'd rather switch than fight
this too describes us MOR Dems well.......https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/7/2308549/-Establishment-Democrats-stage-a-come-to-Caesar-moment-for-progressives?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
this too....https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2025/3/7/2308549/-Establishment-Democrats-stage-a-come-to-Caesar-moment-for-progressives?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
Not us, them.
we winge and wine and "Fetterman" our way to mush/ How come its only 2 black politicians that call out MAGA......Green and Jazy.....
do we white Dems secretly wanna be MAGA or they have tapped into some latent Confederacy in us?
My Jewish MAGA congressman shills for the antisemitic Trump and MAGA . He vot3ed for the heartless cuts to Medicaid and supports every fart from His Flatulent's mouth. He could be found under his desk when Muskrat was talking about the F-35. Not a single Dem in his district ever call hims out. You can post to his FB....nobody does..His district takes up a large part of the county . No party leader says anything, How would any independent or non voter know he's a smuck if we don't point that out...repeatedly....
Fetterman is the worse. Absolute worst. Do not like him.
I love this quote from Rep. Talarico cause it is exactly what we have to do.