This article was intense; only because it was full of information. Information that I could not get anywhere else. I wished more people would read your articles so that get the true picture of what is really happening. I didn’t realize that the child who killed her self was living in a huge White supremacist area of Texas. 😢

🙏🏻 RIP little Jocelynn. 😭

A few people have told me the KKK is a live and well in that area.

Latino’s and other minorities should move out. It upsets me when I see racist eating at my favorite Tex-Mex restaurants. They shouldn’t eat our food if they don’t like us. 🤬

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Yea, there’s definitely a culture of racism in that area. Although, I think the Klan goes by “GOP” these days.

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We need a special election so people could vote on vouchers. I believe the vouchers would lose by a landslide.

I would like to see the new leader of the Texas Democrats yell it from the roof tops that Tim Dunn and other billionaires are behind the the republican party.

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Good point. I'm not sure if messaging was already discussed at the forums. I'll keep an ear out.

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As any gawd fearing Texan knows we pride ourselves in being first at being last.....things like heathcare, education, wealth gap, wages, maternal mortality

but we are still near the top at being the best in one category...According to hotels.com

Hippie Hollow is ranked as #10 nude beach in America

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If I owned heaven and Texas… 😭

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