there is this guy burning up the charts.....Charly Crockett

GGGGGGGson of Davy..Crockett.... for u newcomers....fought and died at the Alamo? ring any bells?

he wrote the theme song for Flowers of the Osage Moon.....i read the book......fascinating


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That took me down a path. Saw the video about him. It was good.

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Back to the article; you would think that the Epic City would be exactly what Abbott would love. A community with a faith based school. Heck they would love those vouchers. They probably would even vote for his Vouchers scam.

Not to mention Sharia Law. It’s closer to those Texas laws that they have been creating.

I guess he isn’t a fan of that faith. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Also, you mentioned that he was all fingers and no spine…. He is in a wheelchair you know. ☺️

I hope my little narrative made sense and made you laugh. 🤭

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time for a little R&R....

Dial in to the mighty NON...KNON.....Voice of the People...89.3

this AM i listened to Workers Beat , DJ'ed by Labor Unionists

and then next hour is the Magic Time Warp Show....very amusing hosts....R&R from its inception to the Beatles Invasion

most fun is R&R Fooball...one versions of a song by and artist vs. another version by another artist with color commentary by the hosts

my go to in Drive Time........Super Roper Redneck Happy Hour

best radio station in Amerika


Big deal in Big D and its red-headed step child FTW

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