I have been researching this issue and trying to understand how Abbott's border enforcement is impacting the people who live on the border. It's no secret Republicans are targeting Hispanic communities in south Texas who have traditionally voted for Democrats. I have read the well educated, middle class Hispanic residents there are moving to the Republican party. Do you have any info if this is true? Does this segment of the south Texas population, who would be donors, want the Gestapo on the border to keep out refugees? Is this who the Lege is appealing to by passing "show me your papers" legislation?

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Hispanic/Latino communities are not a monolith. Most of that is Republican propaganda. We've seen Florida Hispanics move right and California Hispanics move left. Meanwhile, in the last few elections in Texas, RGV Hispanics haven't budged.

The GOP point to Mayra Flores' win as proof they were winning the Hispanic vote. But the fact is, she won in a special election that had a 7% turnout and still lost the Hispanic vote. Then, when the regular election came back around, the seat went back to a Democrat.

In Texas, I wouldn't count on Democrats losing the Hispanic vote anytime soon.

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Thank you detailed information, dehumanization is well on display.

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