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Stop the presses...stop the presses...breaking news ...Fort Worth Star Telegram reports Elon wants to shut down the F-35. To repeat the news is that FWST reported this. They called Musk but he didn't call back...They talked to a prof at SMU???? They did not say who these " Fort Worth area House representatives are defending the program." are. They did not ask a line worker coming off shift with his MAGA gimme cap and Trump bumper sticker what Joe 6-Pack thinks about this treachery. Presumably they will be fine with Trump cutting their throats.

Just remember Dear Hearts, FTW w/o Lockheed is Abilene.

Hegeswiddy was overheard saying 'I'll drink to that".

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article296555309.html#storylink=cpy

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