I am confused.....MAGA being largely ignominiouses and proudly so, want kids to go to work at 12.

why have schools at all?

they can't enslave blacks or subjugate women........so make all the the white kids indentured servants? Is that the plan?

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They will continue to take us as far back as we let them.

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here's the good news: That's only 6000 years at the most.

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Me Tarzan. You Jane. 😭

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amend that 8000 years;

"Human Remains of Over 177 Individuals Dating Back 8,000 Years Unearthed" From Florida Bog

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people really don't believe indentured servitude is the goal....splain this with the $32B surplus

"Texas ranks in the bottom 10 nationwide for per-student funding, around $4,000 per student less than the national average. With our 5.5 million students, an additional $24 billion would be needed just to get Texas to the average. Texas can and should do better."

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/other-voices/article291059230.html#storylink=cpy

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FTW's Killer O'Connor stikes again

"Judge Reed O’Connor’s Aug. 5 decision broadened an earlier ruling in June that struck down specific Biden administration rules intended to expand protections to LGBTQ students."

this guy has a serious hate on for ...people

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remember guns in every kindergarten? "Survey: Texas promised armed guards at every school, most don't have them" -SAN

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heh fellow Texicans and others, 45 minutes from FTW is the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose....(https://tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/dinosaur-valley)

you can walk the Paluxy River bottom and see the dinosaur foot prints. from the actual dinosaur days , approximately 130 M years ago.....BTW same situation that created all that oyle.....

all was good for about 130M + 80 years..

then the Creationists got peeved.....so much science...they fought back and built the Creation Evidence Museum, right across the street from the SP.

wild eh?

lunacy perhaps?

My money is on the dinosaurs.

DVSP is wonderful and further downstream in downtown Glen Rose u can swim in the hard rock bottom Paluxy.

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Red Temple understands the need; "Temple ISD said on Wednesday that it will again provide free meals to all students during this school year. All students will be offered one breakfast and one lunch at no cost each school day."

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