Sex offenders of the world Unite...Gaetz....some type of low life pervy skeevster...in at DOJ

only one left to round out the gang of deplorables...get Harvey Wienstein out of jail or bring Epstien back from the dead

know any gals who didn't vote for Ms. Harris? Harrangue the hell out of em

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Back at the Dept of Skeevyness...Seems Mr. Geatz, future boss of world largest and most lethal Army was to have a investigative report issued by Congress Friday highlighting his skeevy behavior. This report will be shelved because he resigned from Congress.

Tell me Texas Senators, will the idea of BLACKMAIL come up in your confirmation questioning...

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'scuse me....these are the guys whose forebearers fought at the Alamo?

maybe not, maybe he moved here from Indiana a couple of years ago.....maybe he's a Yankee tyring to prove up his Texas bonafides and this is projection. Certainly, he's out of his mind, and yet he got elected.

"Following a meeting between Trump and congressional Republicans on Wednesday, Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas said he was ready to pass "every single word" of the president-elect's second-term agenda.'


"There's no question he's the leader of our party," Nehls shared with reporters. "His mission, his goals and objectives, whatever that is, we need to embrace it. All of it. Every single word."


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Nehls is such a twit.

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i suggested to my team...aka TCDP that they congratulate Congressman Elect Criag Goldman on his win with a question: Will he come clean on the 'Jews will not replace us' Party and his own Jewishness. So far no one can be bothered to spend 30 seconds on X doing that. I don't know his thoughts on Ukraine cause of course no one asked him, not even his Dem opponent.

Was someone reprimanded by the entire Military Industrial Complex at the end of Bomber Plant Road over by Ridgmar Mall.? I suspect the Tarrant County win for Colin maybe has its roots along Lockheed Blvd or Bell Flight Road.

Cancun Cruz supported the now confirmed loser Scott so of course the above voted right even if Texas voted wrong and by which Cruz immediately demonstrated his continued debasement by supporting the fan boy of the guy who called Hiedi Cruz a pig.....or maybe she only looked like one. BTW Heidi where u hiding ur balls? Last I heard from the rodeo and wranglers crowd insulting one's wife was fighting words. I guess not in our incel driven bro-boys Texas anymore. Just a thought you Fuentes following "I own your body' neanderthals, the way to get laid is not by teaming up the misogyny party. And its a felony ta-boot. Just know when u see one of those red gimme caps, the sleazoid mouth breathers beneath it will prostrate himself beneath a rapist and convict and willingly utter Dear Leader. Just like Germany in the 30's. Another question for Craig 'Synagogue' Goldman.

Someone please ask any SR or SS how its going look in their district. I know how it will look on the shelves.........Krugman: ""The whole food supply chain is reliant on people who are going to be rounded up and put in camps."

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Do you have the article link of trump talking about reparations for white people?

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I cant bear to watch it - and I hate him & twitter. he’s whipping up his white supremist base.

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bluesky...everyone is going there...just as i figure out X

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lol me too

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Cuts against our desire to understand ...immediately..... but evidentally all the summing up of voters trends is based on exit polling and that is highly inaccurate.

the common assumption is latino went Harris 53% to 45 %.....this from Unidos....'.Hispanic Voters Back Harris over Trump by a 62%-37% Margin; Cite Economic Concerns as Top Priorities"ex

This is from a different poll taken with more rigor. Puts Hispanics in a different light , doesn't it?

Others have stated that exit polling is bogus and that it will take about 6 months to get an accurate picture..

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Here is violence on humanity......tells u everything u need to know about Radical R's ......Dem's no where to be found

"Elon Musk is sending lawsuits against ‘X’ only to Tarrant County courts. Here’s why"

a little insite into justice and its not blind: "Northern District courts have been known to routinely give conservative litigants favorable rulings in political cases."

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article295496934.html#storylink=cpy

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/fort-worth/article295496934.html#storylink=cpy

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