i know this belongs in another article but i don't know that any one goes back....so refernece yesterdays article for this
this just in" Photos removed from Fort Worth museum as police investigate child pornography allegations. -FWR
This is the above the fold headline on the online, free, non-profit Fort Worth Report and NO MENTION was made on the for profit FW Star Telegram(FWST) . It should be noted that the FW Museun of Modern Art. So we have a newspaper for a community of 2M who don't report the news......except of course if Jerry Jones hoists his leg and let's loose with a popcorn fart.
The 12th largest city in the Nation without a functioning daily...its scary
Yeah. That’s the thing. My friend Edward at Dallas Gay Liberation, https://open.substack.com/pub/dallasgayliberation?r=8m8hz, has been covering this all week and discussing how local news isn’t picking it up. He’s even reached out to them. I don’t think they care.
FWST has missed miscarriage death of FTW's Niveah Crain, dead babies in dumpsters,
CJ protest last week at the Jail. megachurch child molester Chuck Adair and now censorship at a venerated FTW museum, I suspec that story was covered by FW Report because the Modern of FTW is funded by the same folks who fund FW Report. FWR doenst typically do breaking news.
Down to 3 print editions a week, is FWST going out of biz? i heard Basses were interested but otherwise it simply serves sports enthusiastic, commuters and Texas TMZ..u know where yellowstone stars slept of farted or f......d
Keep Going... I'm just here for the popcorn.
i know this belongs in another article but i don't know that any one goes back....so refernece yesterdays article for this
this just in" Photos removed from Fort Worth museum as police investigate child pornography allegations. -FWR
This is the above the fold headline on the online, free, non-profit Fort Worth Report and NO MENTION was made on the for profit FW Star Telegram(FWST) . It should be noted that the FW Museun of Modern Art. So we have a newspaper for a community of 2M who don't report the news......except of course if Jerry Jones hoists his leg and let's loose with a popcorn fart.
The 12th largest city in the Nation without a functioning daily...its scary
Yeah. That’s the thing. My friend Edward at Dallas Gay Liberation, https://open.substack.com/pub/dallasgayliberation?r=8m8hz, has been covering this all week and discussing how local news isn’t picking it up. He’s even reached out to them. I don’t think they care.
FWST has missed miscarriage death of FTW's Niveah Crain, dead babies in dumpsters,
CJ protest last week at the Jail. megachurch child molester Chuck Adair and now censorship at a venerated FTW museum, I suspec that story was covered by FW Report because the Modern of FTW is funded by the same folks who fund FW Report. FWR doenst typically do breaking news.
Down to 3 print editions a week, is FWST going out of biz? i heard Basses were interested but otherwise it simply serves sports enthusiastic, commuters and Texas TMZ..u know where yellowstone stars slept of farted or f......d
it should be mentioned that FWST is owned by a hedge fund with seemingly no ties to the City.
Bullying the whistleblowers. When someone complains, they attack.
They have no shame.
Newsflash: "Rats eat themselves fighting over the same crumb. News at 11"...
Haha, exactly!
more breaking news: Texas MAGA digs a chasm as wide as Paolo Duro Canyon. Texas Dems decide to take a trip to the coast.
IOW we will not take advantage of the dissension, in the least little bit.
PS: our beloved Ms. Crockett has gone a little mil-toasty on CNN as of late. Just saying.