I LOVE your Bo French poll. That's gold. Like Tom Petty gold.

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French does this weekly.........our Tarrant Dem response.......well we have none....we leave his propoganda unchallenged......

as always i apologize to the nation that a large and decisive lite purple Presidential county

is not blue, giving us the senate and house in perpetuity. We squander every oportunity

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"When the Chair of a significant Texas county GOP reduces political debate to name-calling and bigotry, it speaks volumes about the priorities and tactics of the party."

^^^^^ THIS!! Just immature school yard bullies. Never have politicians in the Republican party been so deplorable. tRump ushered in a bunch on wannabe tyrants with potty mouths, that claim to love Jesus, but act totally opposite.

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i read this headline but the article following didn't explain the methodology:

"CNN: Harris leads 53%-44% among Arizonans who have already voted

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