You cannot read or hear post NH comments from Don 'Adolph" Trump that all R's are MAGA and there is no room for those who don't genuflect at teh foot /to Trump .

Kay got out.

Goldman wants in. Goldman is special because he is jewish. He hasn't said one thing about the dangerous totalitarian musings of Trump....

We need not give him the benefit of the doubt .

He is complicit in all things MAGA including killing migrants and killing pregnant moms.

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Thanks again for a very well researched article. I think that President Biden has not been very vocal in criticizing the Republicans in Congress as that may sabotage the bipartisan deal on immigration that Democrats in Senate are negotiating with their Republican peers. Hope the President is successful in negotiating a bipartisan agreement with Republicans in Congress on this complex issue. If the House Republicans sabotage such a bipartisan bill from Senate then I am sure that the President and Democrats in Congress will go after them hammers and tongs.

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the biggest and baddest ass immirgrant of all time and who Abott would see drowned and then shot.

"At this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She asked him, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me—a foreigner?

Ruth 2:10"

from the Bible

Ruth, a very appreciative 'immigrant' or as Greg the Violator might call her , "illegal",,,, went on to beget an MVP in the Old Testament.

On this Abott transgresses the Pope? These Catholics are very selective....Another old Testment fan boy is Craig Goldman, he too a Sodomite as described above and a Jew worshipping at the foot of Trump.

So a Sodomite and Idolator and a Judas.

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here is a Dem running for Kay Granger's office , from his FB........."I’m running for office because I believe in moving beyond narrow party labels. Our focus should be on what’s best for the people, not getting caught in the endless red vs. blue divide. We should not reduce people’s identities to just party affiliation. " blah blah blah Mr Gehrig

that is what is on his mind. Frankly i can not intrept whether he supports the Senate Border Bill or the MAGA opposition stance can you? That is what he spend his time doing, composing gelatinous platitudes...BTW I know where Goldman-R , or any R is on this..hang em,drown them, shoot em.

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Jan 19, 2024
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You’re right. Cuellar is a real pain. He understands it and sides with Republicans. I do worry about GOP growth in border regions, including his district. I think they sometimes side with Republicans because of the changing political landscape in south Texas.

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Jan 29, 2024
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I just published a new article, including this. Check it out.

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Jan 19, 2024
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Don't feel cheated, they don't invest in North Texas either. The D strategy is 'demographics is destiny' and that has been the strategy since 2000. How's that working TDP?

Michelle was (is)(was)kinda hopeful that the new EC would change things at TDP. So far crickets is all I get from Austin.

I once was campaign manager for 1st generation Hispanic running for county judge....He split an apt with Cisneros in SA. He shared with me his thoughts on EL Paso vs San Antonio hispanics. They are as different as tacos and burritos. Also he explained the tortilla curtain . Thats a humorous story.

At Tarrant County D party we don't have any Hispanics in leadership or staff so I am guessing we will lose more Hispanics to the racists. Even the new Soros gang is giving us a pass.

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