Mega-List: TX House Republicans Willing To Kill Public Schools With Vouchers
Here are the Republicans trying to gut public schools—and the Democrats who want to stop them.
Warning: This is a long post because there are a lot of pro-voucher shit-Republicans.
The school voucher scheme is a taxpayer-funded subsidy funneled to private schools and vendors, operating with little transparency and no accountability for outcomes. These programs will divert public funds from public schools under the guise of offering choice and empowerment to Texas families.
Texas is inundated with dark money aimed at manipulating public education. This shadowy funding serves political and corporate interests intent on dismantling our public schools to advance the agenda of privatization and vouchers.
The Republican voucher scheme will lead to misappropriation of funds, loss of transparency, and a lack of oversight. Moreover, voucher programs will not be accessible to all families.
Who are the Texas House Republicans promising to vote for this scheme and, in turn, destroy Texas public schools?
We must know who these agents of chaos are now and ensure we do everything possible to get out the vote against them. (We’ll go through all of them, and then I’ll give you a tally at the end—scroll to the bottom of this page for the raw numbers.)
If you aren’t sure what district you are in, click here to find out.
HD02 - Brent Money.
Yes, that’s his real name. Brent Money says he’s a Conservative fighter who’s against big government. As all Republicans do, Money talks out both sides of his mouth. Instead of empowering local communities, school vouchers would centralize control and decision-making, undermining the autonomy of public schools and inflating government influence over education.
His Democratic opponent is Kristen Washington. You can learn more about her on her website, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
HD05 - Cole Hefner.
Cole Hefner will always be known as the Rep who cheated on his wife and the mother of his eight children to be pegged by his married co-worker.
Unfortunately, Hefner is running unopposed.
HD06 - Daniel Alders.
Alders is running to replace far-right Christian Nationalist Matt Schafer, the retiring incumbent. Alders is even further to the right than Schafer. Aside from being anti-public education, Alders is also seeking to ban IVF and remove political power from people of color in Texas.
Cody Grace is his Democratic opponent. You can learn more about Cody Grace on his website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.
HD08 - Cody Harris.
Cody Harris’s daddy was a successful real estate broker who brought him into the family business. Harris has never been one to fight for district issues, as school vouchers will decimate the public school systems in HD08. Harris’s other favorite topics are what the county officials in Houston are doing and how he can help police get less accountability.
Dr. Carolyn Salter is running against Cody Harris. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, and Instagram.
HD09 - Trent Ashby.
Ashby is entering his twelfth year in office. He’s one of the most boring Republicans in the Texas House, but he still aligns himself with extremists and plans to vote to re-segregate Texas schools through the voucher scheme.
Unfortunately, Ashby is running unopposed.
HD10 - Brian Harrison.
Brian Harrison is a Labradoodle breeder who got in good with the Trump administration, which allowed him to pick up the votes he needed in this red(ish) district. He’s loud, he lies all the time, and he’s on Newsmax every day. Not only does he want to implement school vouchers, but he also advocates for ending the Department of Education.
Jennifer Brummell is the write-in candidate running against Harrison. You can learn more about her on her Facebook page.
HD11 - Joanne Schofner.
Schofner ousted long-time Conservative Rep Travis Clardy in the Republican primary this year. She is one of Greg Abbott’s handpicked agents of chaos, specifically chosen for her willingness to strip funds away from public schools.
Unfortunately, Schofner is running unopposed.
HD12 - Trey Wharton.
Wharton is another one of Abbott’s handpicked yes-men who will vote to destabilize and underfund rural Texas schools in favor of vouchers. Wharton has yet to set himself apart from the rest of Abbott’s new slate of flunkeys.
Dee Howard Mullins is the Democrat running against Wharton. You can learn more about her from her website.
HD13 - Angelina Orr.
While Angelina Orr was a vote against vochers in the 88th Legislative session, she has since changed her position.
Albert Hunter is the Democrat running against Orr. You can learn more about Hunter from his Facebook.
HD14 - Paul Dyson.
Paul Dyson is running in a district where Republicans only gave themselves a +10-point advantage during redistricting three years ago. It’s not wise for him to run on school vouchers in a district like this, which encompasses rural areas but is also trending blue. Dyson is running for the Republican seat, which is now empty due to incumbent John Raney’s retirement.
Fred Medina is the Democrat running against Dyson. You can learn more about him from his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HD15 - Steve Toth.
Steve Toth is a New Yorker who cosplays as a Texan. He’s beholden to Tim Dunn’s money and votes along the same lines as Tinderholt, Harrison, and Schatzline.
Unfortunately, Toth is running unopposed.
HD16 - Will Metcalf.
Metcalf was one of Dade Phelan’s soldiers during the Republican Civil War. Is he still? We won’t know until January. HD16 is in Montgomery County. Despite knowing that vouchers would harm the school children in HD16, Metcalf is for them anyway.
Mike Midler is the Democrat running against Metcalf. You can learn more about him on his Facebook page.
HD17 - Stan Gerdes.
Stan Gerdes ran for his first election by promising to preserve Confederate statues in Texas, and just like the Confederates, Gerdes is against public education. While white people resisted paying for public education in the years after the Civil War, Gerdes thinks a good use for our tax dollars is in the pockets of millionaires.
Desiree Venable is the Democrat running against Gerdes. You can learn more about her from her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
HD18 - Janis Holt.
This candidate ousted the incumbent with Greg Abbott’s dirty voucher money in exchange for a “yes” vote on vouchers in the Texas House. While she has yet to be elected, she’s already promised to write bills on debunked conspiracies.
Unfortunately, Holt is running unopposed.
HD19 - Ellen Troxclair.
There are two things Troxclair hates—poor people and gay people, and she isn’t shy about letting it be known. Troxclair is the only Republican House member left repping Travis County due to the extreme gerrymandering of this district, in which Republicans have a +35-point advantage.
Dwain Handley is the Democrat running against her. You can learn more about him from his website and Facebook.
HD20 - Terry Wilson.
Representative Terry Wilson, first elected in 2016, has flown mostly under the radar. Unlike many other Republicans, he hasn’t been out there chasing the limelight, but that doesn’t improve his voting record. Wilson is a hard-line establishment Republican who will never go against the grain.
Stephen Wyman is the Democrat running against Wyman. You can learn more about him from his website.
HD21 - Dade Phelan.
When the legislative session is in progress, the Speaker typically doesn’t vote on House bills unless it’s a tie vote or something he wants to make sure he puts his stamp on (like the impeachment of Ken Paxton). While we don’t know Phelan’s fate in the 89th Legislative Session, we know he is pro-vouchers. If he is re-elected Speaker, he will bring vouchers to the floor. If he is not elected Speaker, he will still vote favor vouchers.
Unfortunately, Phelan is running unopposed.
HD23 - Terri Leo-Wilson.
Leo-Wilson has had a long-standing feud with Valoree Swanson, the head of the Gilead Wives Club women. She also married a man about fifty years her senior after she asked Houston, Republican activists, to introduce her to someone rich. Last year, one of her ex-employees contacted me to tell me how poorly she treated her elderly husband.
Dr. Dev Merugumala is the Democrat running against Leo-Wilson. You can learn more about him from his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
HD24 - Greg Bonnen.
Dr. Greg Bonnen is the brother of the former disgraced Speaker, Dennis Bonnen. He is also a neurosurgeon who uses his accolades as a doctor to justify taking civil rights away from women and the transgender community.
Unfortunately, Bonnen is running unopposed.
HD25 - Cody Vasut.
When Cody Vasut ran for office in 2020, I became friends with Patrick Henry, the Democrat running against him. Because I wanted Patrick to win, I did a deep dive on Cody Vasut, a young Republican who previously served on the city council in Angleton. I said it back then, and I’ll repeat it. Cody Vasut thinks the sun gets up to hear him crow in the morning. Arrogance is by far his most redeeming quality.
Jai Daggett is the Democrat running against Vasut. You can learn more about him on his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
HD26 - Matthew Morgan.
What were Fort Bend County Republicans thinking? In the primary election, they picked Morgan over incumbent Jacey Jetton. Not only is Morgan pro-vouchers, but he’s also signed the “Contract on Texas” and the “Abolish Abortion Pledge,” which will ban IVF and some forms of birth control in Texas. Morgan’s biggest campaign contributor is Tim Dunn.
Daniel Lee is the Democrat running against Morgan. You can learn more about Lee from his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
HD28 - Gary Gates.
Gary Gates has long been known as a millionaire slumlord who uses his position in the Texas House to make it easier to screw over renters and harder to hold landlords accountable.
Marty Rocha is the Democrat running against Gates. You can learn more about him on his Facebook page.
HD30 - AJ Louderback.
Louderback is the former Sheriff of Jackson County. He has a ten-gallon hat and wants to “end wokeness” in Texas. Of course, he’s pro-voucher. Louderback is the Republican nominee of HD30 after long-time Republican Rep Geanie Morrison retired.
Stephanie Bassham is the Democrat running against Louderback. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
HD33 - Katrina Pierson.
Like so many other Republican carpetbaggers, Katrina Pierson moved to Texas for the sole purpose of grifting her way into Texas politics. During her primary race, accusations were that she didn’t meet the minimum residency requirements to run for office. Pierson has long been a Trump surrogate, so of course, she wants to destroy Texas public schools.
Unfortunately, Pierson is running unopposed.
HD37 - Janie Lopez.
HD37 is a hot race this year. It’s a Democratic district that got stuck with a weird Republican when they stayed home in 2022. Most people expect this seat to flip in November, but nothing is done until it’s done. Lopez tries hard to fit in with her Republican peers, so she is pro-voucher.
Jonathan Gracia is the Democrat running against Lopez. You can learn more about him from his website, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.
HD44 - Alan Schoolcraft.
Alan Schoolcraft served six legislative sessions in the 1900s when Democrats were still in control. Why has he returned to Texas politics now in his 70s? My guess is that he was bored in retirement. Regardless, his politics are deplorable, and while he may have fit in well with 1980s Texas politics, Texas is an entirely different state now.
Eric Norman is the Democrat running against Schoolcraft. You can learn more about Norman from his website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
HD52 - Caroline Harris Davilla.
Last year, Harris Davilla married Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s chief of staff. While her political priorities aligned with Patrick’s in the previous legislative session, we can expect her positions to mirror Patrick’s in the future. This is one of the top five seats Democrats want to flip, and Harris Davilla’s pro-voucher stance only works against her.
Jennie Birkholz is the Democrat running against Harris Davilla. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, and Twitter.
HD53 - Wes Virdell.
Virdell’s entire personality is about his ability to carry weapons to kill someone. He signed the “Contract on Texas” and the “Abolish Abortion Pledge,” plus he is pro-secession. Total nut, all around.
Joe Herrera is the Democrat running against Virdell. You can learn more about Herrera from his website, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
HD54 - Brad Buckley.
What do you call a white Republican who is gerrymandered into a Black area and only focuses on legislation that hurts their constituents? That’s what Brad Buckley is. He’s a millionaire, living in the most rural parts of Bell County, and in the last legislative session, he was the author of some of the pro-voucher bills. Republicans only have a +6-point advantage in this district, so it could be an easy flip if Democrats show up.
Dawn Richardson is the Democrat running against Buckley. You can learn more about her on her website and Facebook.
HD55 - Hillary Hickland.
Hickland is a far-right extremist who ousted the Republican incumbent, Hugh Shine. She was about to oust him because she received large sums of cash from Greg Abbott during the primary election in exchange for a “yes” vote on vouchers.
Jennifer Lee is the Democrat running against Hickland. You can learn more about her on her website or Facebook.
HD56 - Pat Curry.
This is a rural district where vouchers make absolutely no sense. So of course, newcomer Pat Curry promised Abbott a voucher vote in exchange for his endorsement.
Erin Shank is the Democrat running against Curry. You can learn more about her from her website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
HD57 - Richard Hayes.
During the last legislative session, Richard Hayes frequently appeared on the House floor, making nonsensical statements and slurring his words. Why? This may be the reason:
Collin Johnson is the Democrat running against Hayes. You can learn more about him from his Facebook and Instagram.
HD58 - Helen Kerwin.
Helen Kerwin is a California native and bonafide fascist. Not only is she pro-voucher, but she also signed the “Contract on Texas.”
Unfortunately, Kerwin is running unopposed.
HD59 - Shelby Slawson.
Shelby Slawson is one of Valoree Swanson’s minions in the Gilead Wives Club. Previously, I’ve written about how Slawson spends all her time on House committees on her phone. She was also the author of the 6-week abortion ban. Rumors were going around in 2021 that she was having an affair with her married co-worker, Jared Patterson. Plus, she thinks kids are buying cocaine from Twitter 🙄. (Bonus: She’s running for Speaker of the House.)
Hannah Bohm is the Democrat running against Slawson. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
HD60 - Mike Olcott.
Olcott is a millionaire who has tried for years to get into state politics. This year, he ousted incumbent Republican Glenn Rogers over the voucher issue. When Olcott was the Chair of the Parker County Republicans in 2021, they passed a resolution condemning the existence of Black lives.
Unfortunately, Olcott is running unopposed.
HD61 - Keresa Richardson.
Richardson is a far-right extremist who signed the “Contract on Texas” and the “Abolish Abortion Pledge.” And she’s pro-vouchers. Collin County is expected to flip this year, and Richardsons’ extreme positions will not win her any favors in this district.
Tony Adams is the Democrat running against Richardson. You can learn more about him on his website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
HD62 - Shelley Luther.
The third time is a charm for Shelley Luther. This is the third time she’s run for office while heavily funded by Tim Dunn and the first time she’s won a primary. Luther also signed the “Contract on Texas” and the “Abolish Abortion Pledge.” This is a +53-point Republican district, so she will likely go to the Texas House in January.
Tiffany Drake is the Democrat running against Luther. You can learn more about Drake from her website, Facebook, and Instagram.
HD63 - Ben Bumgarner.
Bumgarner is a gun manufacturer who hates public education and hates Democrats, as he signed the “Contract on Texas.” An extremist? At this point, which Republican isn’t? Republicans only have a +5-point advantage, and the Democrat for this seat is working hard to flip it.
Michelle Beckley is the Democrat running against Bumgarner. You can learn more about her from her website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
HD64 - Andy Hopper.
Hopper ousted Republican incumbent Lynn Stuckey in the Republican primary this year. Hopper has a fascist ideology, including the “Contract on Texas,” the “Abolish Abortion” pledge, and secession. He also has taken family photos with Kyle Rittenhouse.
Angela Brewer is the Democrat running against Hopper. You can learn more about her on her Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
HD65 - Mitch Little.
Little was one of Ken Paxton’s impeachment lawyers and ousted Republican Kronda Thimesh in the Republican primary this year. Little is friends with Andy Hopper and his political positions.
Detrick Deburr is the Democrat running against Little. You can learn more about him on his website, Facebook, and Instagram.
HD66 - Matt Shaheen.
Shaheen is generally disliked in Collin County and is not in a safe seat. Regardless, he’s taken a pro-voucher position, which will harm public school kids in Collin County. Shaheen also frequently posts his opinion on social media that the climate emergency isn’t real.
David Carstens is the Democrat running against Shaheen. You can learn more about Carstens on his website, Twitter, or TikTok.
HD67 - Jeff Leach.
Leach is in an interesting position this year. As a Republican impeachment manager against Ken Paxton, he now has a viscous feud with Paxton, who he once called a friend. Both Leach and Paxton are Collin County Republicans. Although Leach beat his Paxton-backed Republican primary challenger, he’s still labeled a “RINO” by Paxton allies. We’ll have to wait and see how that plays out in November in this +8-point Republican district.
Makala Washington is the Democrat running against Leach. You can learn more about Washington on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.
HD68 - David Spiller.
David Spiller was a hold out for vouchers because of his long career in public education. However, there is no integrity left among Republicans, which is why he’s changed his position. He didn’t want a primary challenger. Spiller is also the author of last session’s “Show Me Your Papers” bill.
Stacey Swann is the Democrat running against Spiller. You can learn more about her on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.
HD69 - James Frank.
Frank has been in the legislature for over a decade, where he’s voted on some of the most heinous bills to come from Austin. He is pro-vouchers, has signed the “Contract on Texas,” and is running for Speaker of the House.
Walter Coppage is the Democrat running against Frank. You can learn more about him from his website and Facebook.
HD73 - Carrie Isaac.
Carrie Isaac, the wife of Jason Isaac, is pro-voucher and has signed the “Contract on Texas.”
Sally Duval is the Democrat running against Isaac. You can learn more about her from her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HD81 - Brooks Landgraf.
Initially Landgraf was against vouchers, because they would destroy public schools in his district. But the Republican threats got to him and he’s changed his position, despite the harm to his district.
Unfortunately, Landgraf is running unopposed.
HD82 - Tom Craddick.
Craddick was elected in 1968 before man stepped foot on the moon. He’s spent over 50 years in the Texas House, enriching himself with oil money through backroom deals, which became a family tradition. His daughter, Christi Craddick, is now one of the Texas Railroad Commissioners.
Steven Schafersman is the Democrat running against Craddick. You can learn more about him on his Facebook page.
HD83 - Dustin Burrows.
Millionaire Dustin Burrows wrote the “Deathstar” bill last session, which would have removed all local control from every city in Texas.
Unfortunately, Burrows is running unopposed.
HD84 - Carl Tepper.
New Yorker Carl Tepper moved to Texas, bought himself a cowboy hat, and ran for office on the platform of banning diversity in Texas colleges. While he doesn’t list vouchers as an issue on his website, he received Abbott’s endorsement and funds in exchange for a promise of a “yes” vote.
Noah Lopez is the Democrat running against Tepper. You can learn more about him on his website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
HD85 - Stan Kitzman.
It’s a crying shame what Republicans did with the maps that cover Fort Bend County, the most diverse county in America. They stuck them with awful Republicans like Gary Gates and Stan Kitzman. Kitzman’s position on vouchers would ultimately harm the public school children in Fort Bend.
Unfortunately, Kitzman is running unopposed.
HD86 - John Smithee.
Do you remember last year when I said I spent time digging into the ancestries of Texas Legislators, inspired by Rueter’s article listing the descendants of slaveholders in Congress? Smithee is one of the Reps I began looking into, and I discovered that his father was in his 50s when Smithee was born. Smithee is currently in his 70s. It’s not a thing, but I found it interesting that there was a House Rep whose parent was born in the 1800s. Regardless, Smithee is pro-voucher; he voted against Paxton’s impeachment and signed the “Contract on Texas.” He’s also running for Speaker of the House this year.
Unfortunately, Smithee is running unopposed.
HD87 - Caroline Fairly.
Fairly is the daughter of ultra-wealthy and GOP mega-donor Alex Fairly. Caroline Fairly took hundreds of thousands of dollars from her father and Greg Abbott to win the Republican primary in this Texas Panhandle district. She also signed the “Contract on Texas.” And, when she appeared at the Texas GOP Convention this year, she went on stage barefoot.

Timothy Gassaway is the Democrat running against Fairly. You can learn more about him on his website, Facebook, and Instagram.
HD89 - Candy Noble.
Noble is a Valoree Swanson’s Gilead Wives Club member and follows Swanson around like a background character in the “Mean Girls” clique. Noble is pro-voucher and staved off a primary challenger earlier this year.
Darrell Evans is the Democrat running against Noble. You can learn more about Evans on his website, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.
HD91 - David Lowe.
Lowe is a deplorable who made veiled threats against me last year. He’s anti-public education and signed the “Contract on Texas.”
Unfortunately, Lowe is running unopposed.
HD93 - Nate Schatzline.
What can I say about Schatzline that hasn’t been said already? I have a bizarre relationship with Schatzline and have endorsed his Democratic opponent, Perla Bojorquez.
You can learn more about Perla Bojorquez on her website, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook.
HD94 - Tony Tinderholt.
Tony Tinderholt is the last Repubican gerrymandered into the beautiful, blue city I live in, Arlingon. For that reason alone, he needs to go. But Tinderholt is a Tim Dunn Republican, funded by Christian Nationalists. He wanted to give the death penalty to women who have abortion care and he’s been married five times.
Denise Wilkerson is the Democrat running against him, and I have already endorsed her. You can learn more about Wilkerson on her website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
HD96 - David Cook.
Just last week, David Cook signed the “Contract on Texas,” which makes absolutely no sense for his incredibly diverse district. He’s an extremists who has had a place for way too long in mid-city politics.
Ebony Turner is the Democrat running against Cook. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, and Twitter.
HD97 - John McQueeney.
McQueeney is another newcomer to Texas politics, winning the primary in this battleground district. He’s aligned himself with the establishment, including being pro-vouchers.
Dr. Carlos Walker is the Democrat running against McQueeney. You can learn more about Walker from his website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
HD98 - Giovanni Capriglione.
I’ve been asked about this race impaticularly and I will have a full analysis of this race soon. Caprigline caters to the Southlake Republicans, where the origins of the war on diversity began in Texas. Capriglione has rich constituents and rich people in his pockets. He co-authored the trigger bill to ban abortions in Texas and he wants to funnel our taxpayer dollars into the hands of millionaires.
Scott White is the Democrat running Capriglione. You can find out more about him on his website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
HD106 - Jared Patterson.
I would tell you that Jared Patterson blocked me on Twitter, but it isn’t that impressive, considering he’s blocked half of Texas. The reason he blocked me is because I asked him if the rumors about the affair with him and Shelby Slawson were true. Apparently, he didn’t want to answer. One time, he said all Democrats were “evil.” In Denton, he hangs out with a group known as the “DFW Deplorables,” which is the same group which would show up to Beto rallies in North Texas with firearms to harrass and intimidate people. Also, he’s pro-vouchers, just like the rest of them.
Hava Johnston is the Democrat running against him. You can learn more about her from her website, Facebook, and Instagram.
HD108 - Morgan Meyers.
Morgan Meyers is a millionaire who is funded by billionaires like Harlan Crow. Vouchers will give rich people taxpayer dollars for sending their kids to private school.
Elizabeth Ginsberg is the Democrat running against Meyers. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HD112 - Angie Chen Button.
While Angie Chen Button seems like a nice, unassuming grandma, her parent’s experience in “Communist China” is what led her down a road of fascism. Button is anti-worker, anti-women, anti-equality, and anti-public education.
Averie Bishop is the Democrat running against Meyers. You can learn more about her on her website, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
HD118 - John Lujan.
HD118 has been a bad-luck seat for Democrats in the last few cycles. While Republicans are at a disadvantage in this district, Democrats failed to show up in the special election or mid-term which sent Lujan to office. But Texans are fed up and that’s going to change this year.
Kristian Carranza is the Democrat running against him, and she’s working real hard to take his seat. You can learn more about Carranza on her website, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
HD121 - Marc Lahood.
Greg Abbott gave Lahood hundreds of thousands of dollars to oust long time incumbent Republican Steve Allison in exchange for a “yes” vote on vouchers. Another Republican which can be bought and paid for. Shocking, right?
Laurel Jordan Swift is the Democrat running against Lahood. You can learn more about her on her website, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
HD122 - Mark Dorazio.
I always want to call this guy “Mark Dorito,” but as we saw in a recent Bexar County Commissioner Court meeting, he’s ready to correct you on his name. It doesn’t matter, he was at that meeting testifying against registering people to vote, which Bexar Republicans have called a “partisan activity.” Dorazio is against public schools and in favor of the voucher scheme.
Kevin Geary is the Democrat running against Dorazio. You can learn more about Geary on his website and Facebook.
HD127 - Charles Cunningham.
Charles Cunningham is a Black Republican. Why he’s chosen to align himself with the party of white supremacy is anyone’s guess, but he’s pro-vouchers.
John Lehr is the Democrat running against Cunningham. You can learn more about Lehr on his website.
HD128 - Briscoe Cain.
One time I called Briscoe Cain a “racist” on Twitter and I was flooded by people in my comments accusing me of being ableist because Cain has autism. It started a wider conversation online about racism and autism, neither which overlap. When Cain flew to Pennsylvania to try and assist Trump in overturning their election, I called him a “traitor,” and he blocked me. When I wrote about how his great, great grandfather (also named Briscoe Cain) shot and killed someone in the late 1800s, he unblocked me. He’s pro-voucher, because it also includes homeschool children. He has five kids, so his family alone would recieve $50,000 under the Republican’s plan.
Chuck Crews is the Democrat running against Cain. You can learn more about him from his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HD129 - Dennis Paul.
Dennis Paul has been in office for nearly a decade, but he’s one of the types who typically fly under the radar. Which doesn’t make him less bad. He received Abbott’s endorsement this year, in exchange for a “yes” vote on vouchers.
Doug Peterson is the Democrat running against Paul. You can can learn more about him from his website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HD130 - Tom Oliverson.
Tom Oliverson is a person deeply entrenched with Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). TPPF is an organization deeply entrenched with Project 2025. Dr. Oliverson is another Republican doctor who has used his title to take away the civil rights of women and transgender people in Texas. He’s also running for the Speaker of the House and has signed the “Contract on Texas.”
Brett Robinson is the Democrat running against Oliverson. You can learn more about him on his website, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
HD132 - Mike Schofield.
This is another race I promise to give y’all a full analysis for before the election. Schofield is a New Jersey native who now calls Texas home and makes laws to regulate and restrict the lives of Texans. Of course he’s pro-voucher. He’s also kind of weird. This is him:
Chase West is the Democrat running against him. You can learn more about West on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.
HD133 - Mano Deayalla.
Republicans only have a +1-point advantage in this district and Deyalla is a pro-vouchers candidate.
Unfortunately, Deayalla is running unopposed.
HD138 - Lacey Hull.
Lacey Hull has notoriously had extra-marrital affairs with more than one of her married Republican co-workers. She even made it to Barstool Sports when text messages were leaked between her and Cole Hefner, discussing their pegging activities. The party of family values.

Stephanie Morales is the Democrat running against Hull. You can learn more about Morales on her website, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
HD150 - Valoree Swanson.
Valoree “Tony Soprano” Swanson is the leader of Republican women in the House. She was the first woman allowed in the Texas Freedom Caucus, and is one of the worst legislators in Austin.
Marisela “MJ” Jimenez is the Democrat running against Swanson. You can learn more about her on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Whew. So, where do we stand?
If we don’t flip one seat Abbott will have the votes he need for vouchers, which is why we need a huge turnout this year to flip seats and deny that to Abbott.
As of now:
73 Republicans have committed to a “yes” vote on the voucher scheme.
Republicans need 76 votes. They’ll either need three Republicans to change their mind or get three Democrats to cross the aisle.
Both are possibilities.
17 of these Republicans are running unopposed.
8 of these seats are within 5-points of flipping.
18 of these seats are within 10-points of flipping.
34 of these seats are within 20-points of flipping.
Democrats only need 12 seats to flip the Texas House.
We are at a critical juncture, and the stakes could not be higher for public education in Texas.
The Republican majority has made their intentions clear, and it's up to us to mobilize, organize, and vote for change. With so many seats within reach, this election provides a real opportunity to hold these politicians accountable and protect our public schools from privatization. Our collective power lies in turning out, making our voices heard, and ensuring that we defend the future of Texas' children.
Vote early, vote often, just vote.
October 7: Last day to register to vote.
October 21: First day to early vote.
October 25: Last day to apply for a mail-in ballot.
November 1: Last day to early vote.
November 5: Election day!
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Is it too late for this 77 year/old, retired teacher, not in great health, to run against these education-kiilling republican?
I learned something new yesterday from a SS writer - the failed Blaine Amendment vote in 1875. Had it passed we would not even be discussing this voucher scam anywhere in the US - and obviously Carson v Makin wouldn't exist.
1875 Blaine amendment aimed to stop public money from funding religious schools. Had it been enacted, Blaine's amendment would be part of the federal constitution.