Dec 13, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

slighty off topic but appropros.....Jasmine Crockett D-Dallas , giving the 118th Congress hell on MSNBC Dateline: WH

"clownshow"....her words not mine, and other insults. more importanty she spoke about the real threat to our Democracy by the far right

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Clownshow is pretty accurate.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

i concur with Michelle...i met Denise and liked her. don't vote in her district but wish her luck against the Nazi lover........BTW all u R Nazi adjacent types,,,,,,,they were HUUUUUUGE LOOOSERS to paraphrase ur fearless leader Daffy D....er Donald Trump

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I think they have lost their fucking minds......I- got a TCDP Bulletin Brief.........its nothing but pablum

Do u live under a rock Madame Chair, or are u too involved in ur own self aggranizement?

Today the 118th Congress ignored the entreaties of Vaslov Zelenski to fund an existental war against the most serious threat to post WW2 world order....that's 80's years of relative peace and prosperity. Now thanks to the Tucker Carlson's/Steve Bannon*/Steve Miller's GOP, its threatened. If u wonder what i am talking about ask ur grandparents.

This week Kate Cox has to flee the state to get medical care.

About this Crystal and Co offer not a word.......on these or any other subject. She is instead reminding everyone of the Mardi Gras fundraiser........ Fundraising for what Crystal????

meanwhile Tarrant R's are rallying the troops to bullshitdom. They are not even trying to hide their. brownshirt desires.

I published part of their email update elsewhere on LSL....it was a rallying cry to their bloodthirsty troops.

Response anywhere by any6 5Tarrant D.......i can't find it.

Crystal and Co. are walking us off a cliff.

Tarrant County Democratic Party EC, its time to ask for Crystal's resignation.

*Steve Bannon was once an argonaut in Ed Bass's failed Ecosphere...

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she is getting alot of national attention ..dailybeast for instance today ..firewalled.

it is exactly what i counseled 2 Congressional candidates to do..in this case with Bell , Lockeed and NAS JRB in the District , call out loudly and longly the Putin appeasers, including Kay G. who hasn't said a word about GOP complete subjugation to Putin. You'd think Vlad the Embalmer has files on 3/4 of R Caucus.......perphaps even worse they are fanboys(girls) of the Tryant! They threw out the only Gooper with balls, and she's a girl.

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