Hitherto I declare:

I am an Al Green Democrat

Honky Divison

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🤣 I like it.

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In this podcast you mention that HB3 would only allow 85% of the new $6,380 state funding per student to be used for private school vouchers. I refer to the above article from the Texas Tribune which states that the 85% is not based on the $6,380 at all. It is based on the total amount of funding per student, local and other funds, to determine the 85%. That means that HB3 would now allot up to $10,893 for private school vouchers. They are being deceitful when they say that HB3 would give less to private vouchers than SB2 would give. It actually allots MORE to vouchers than the $10,000 SB3 allots.

Also please note that the 2nd priority for receiving vouchers is a family of four making $60,400. It would be a rare thing for a family in this group to be able to send their children to any private school because they could not afford to pay the additional tuition and other costs, even with a voucher. They will not even apply. The majority of vouchers will undoubtedly go to the category that includes a family of four making an annual income of $156,000. These families do not need a coupon paid for with our public tax dollars. However, it might free up their money to go on a nice vacation.

Thank you for your tireless work and for Lone Star Left.

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