Sorry I missed you, but you could probably hear me from the big voice in the back. One thing that I think is absolutely essential is to be able to inspire voters to volunteer and organize all year, and you definitely heard that from some of the candidates. But Miller lost me on the “environment” question. It echoed what happened on Nov 6. We don’t need that. It is about taking an environmental message and talking to our voters about how it economically impacts each of us, which may be different district to district, but that is why we need local candidates campaigning in every election even if you are in a safe or unchallenged election. There really were only 4 candidates who have much of a chance of leading the country’s democratic state with the 2nd largest vote haul and that person needs a big inspiring voice and message and can bring a concrete strategy to the entire big wide and diverse state. Year round organizing is going to take a lot, but one thing we need is better collaboration on what works and how to do it, for example:

Door knocking 101:

-strategies for apartments

-strategies for gated neighborhoods

-strategies for rural communities with lots of miles between houses

-cutting turf for getting out the base

-training on the harder to turn out

-training on persuasion

-best times and days

-how to handle the heat (cause it is already hot in April and still hot in September and October)

Creating a post card crew. A phone bank crew, a letters to the editor crew. Maybe when a substack or podcast crew. Then raising money for signs and lit and all the stuff.

I could go on and on. But one thing is for sure. We need to build from the ground up and demand financial transparency and clear goals. I don’t want to hear let’s just start with a judge strategy or flipping two seats in winnable districts outside one of the big blue cities. I want to hear a strategy plan for the whole damn state, every single two year cycle. No, the goal is not to win every race but there needs to be a fucking plan for every single race in every single county. Like a corporation, no county should be able to get away without starting the years without clear goals and objectives. Ok, this probably should have been my own note, but such is life. Thanks for all your hard work.

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I agree with how the environmental question echoed why we lost in 2024. We don't need to repeat that.

"We need to build from the ground up and demand financial transparency and clear goals." Full stop.

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i attempted to ask this question to the TCDP finance chair...what resources are u providing to the Pct. Chairs?....everyone took exception to the question and even overtalked an actual pct. Chair who had a complaint

1.so much noise about getting more pct. chairs but unwilling to provide them any resources to communicate with their constituents. I think a pct might have more that 1000 voters...how do connect with out party assistance. ans: u can't

2. i would tell anyone thinking about it, don't do that job...see #1 above

I assume there is the same probs in counites throughout TX

Rember when R's were racking up all those win in CC, School Bors ,County Commission.s" its because they had a well funded pct. chair program...

unless the new TDP addresses the 'communication" problem...no issue matters cause no Texan will hear from us

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Goals, accountability and funding. Every precinct chair needs a packet with their turf, and clear things to do: identify business and faith communities, recruit a block captain in every apartment building and gates community, a welcome flyer with the contact information on the local county party and club as well as the electeds in that precinct. And then you call, walk, organize. But instead precinct chairs are just left on their own to figure out what to do. And this isn’t 1950, our urban neighborhoods need a different strategy. And West Dallas County needs something different than East Dallas County.

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another issuue nationally but applies locally...get rid of these duds.,.like hinajosa or our chair....as soon as they prove not up to the job jettison them

"Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly, the highest-ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said government workers should comply with an Elon Musk order that is being disputed by others."

the anti -AOC

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i have preached the same message...u hear it once an hour on the political cable shows....every mag or newspaper reports it.....we are out messaged 10 to 1

no pol proposes a solution...So why oh why would i think a new TDP will be any different from the old?.....ever listen to Leader Hakkem Jefferies answer a question? Same old endless rhetoric, very short on an action plan.

there is only one doable way, resource wise; To engage with voters...talk to them....kibbitz with them, throw n'hoo or pct. get togethers ... go to union halls. ....the only way to do that is resource pct chairs and direct contact with voters.

we can do this with money and tools we have.

The scenario below is exactly true for Texas and why ,if we don't change our tactics, there will be little improvement

"For a postelection analysis of how and where Democrats fell short in 2024, the New Republic’s Greg Sargent visited Reading, Pennsylvania—the majority-Latino, long-Democratic city that saw a significant swing in support toward Donald Trump this election cycle, even as Kamala Harris carried the bulk of the votes. Sargent points to myriad factors that likely cut into Latinos’ traditional Democratic support (inflation, immigration, Trump’s name-recognition advantage) but saves an especially noteworthy contributor for the very end: the Spanish-language right-wing propaganda machine.-slate

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to narrow my message: we can't recreate the fox/broblog/rw hispanic radio* echo system

we can make sure our Pct. Chairs have the tools they need to engage voters in their district...this works in Central Austin as well as North Lubbock....the size and color of the county doesn't matter if we are engaging the 40% that didn't vote.

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Texans are going to have to pit their love for racism and sexism against a good paying gobrmnt job

"On paper, TX-17 is solid Republican turf. It has a Cook PVI of R+13, and Trump garnered 60 percent or more of the vote in all three of his runs, including 64-35 in 2024. But when Sessions showed up for a town hall in Trinity, on the far eastern portion of his district, he was in for a surprise.

(Sessions) came prepared to deliver a routine update on the administration’s first month in office. Instead, he fielded a barrage of frustration and anger from constituents questioning Mr. Trump’s agenda and his tactics — and pressing Mr. Sessions and his colleagues on Capitol Hill to do something about it." -


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any of the TDP nominees say anything like this?

from the Illinois Gov

'People need to wake up': Governor decries looming 'death of the Constitutional republic' _RS

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