Someone told me about the book Abbott wrote in 2017. Sounds like an autobiography. My friend said the last chapter is all about how Greg wants all of the power with the states. He wants the confederacy back. I'm going to the bookstore to read that for myself.

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I didn't know he wrote a book. I bet it's awful.

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A study in narcissism.

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Thanks for a very informative article about the attempts of our Governor and other Republican leaders to whip up passions about the situation on the border, which can trigger violence, rather than work on the bipartisan effort in US Senate to solve this problem.

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Maybe its the wheelchair, but the guy is mirroring Musolino....

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Was Mussolini in a wheelchair?

If we're comparing Abbott to other terrible people in wheelchairs, I'd go with George Wallace.

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I save all my comparisons to Hitler and Stalin to Trump.......Abott doen't rise to Trumpian levels of hate , but he's working on it

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Narrative has been set: "illegal invasion." Opportune time for them to say "Donate Now!" This is their form of weird activism, requesting supporters to truck down to the border.

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So dumb and dangerous.

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First comment ...he's Catholic and different sects of Catholics believe and do strange things.

Violence is not anathema to them

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I didn't know that. Ironic that most immigrants and Latinos are also Catholic.

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