I polled 3 contractors who bid on my hail damaged roof. I asked if they were MAGA? they all said that they weren't ....surprise....and that the proposed treatment of illegals would directly impact their business. When these storms hit, and that is often.....maybe on average a $500m to $1B a year.............there is no way in hell any citizen of any color would get on a Texas summer on a scalding hot roof for $15/hour. Meaning: take away immirgant labor and the price of reroof would go up 25% to 50% That likely mean exhorbitant rates to home owners or insurance companies leaving the market like Florida or both.

Whatever the border camp costs its got to be 100% more costly to humanely house these immigrants. BUUUUUT its not really for the Texas National Guard....its for us in opposition to the near dictatorial power of GOOPER's in Texas.*

Cruelty is definately the name of the game. One more reason never to elect a Catholic to anything.............Abott is Catholic and his intreptation of his religion is cruelty x 10. Goldman is complicit with Abott......Didn't Jews in Poland and Germany have some problems with state edicts Herr Goldman?.....He wants to join Trump's MAGA America with Stephen Miller playing the part of Goebbels.....8

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*this is the world Goldman will gleefully join....as a Jew .........there were Jews in the 3rd Reich...collaborators.......I wonder if he or any MAGA Jew recognizes himself and simply doesn't care......they didn't chant 'Black's will not replace us'.

Its a world of total war of R on the rest of us.....In Abotts world they will gleefully pass laws to make us undesirable and thus criminal .....when they are done with us Dem/Libs they fill that border camp with Jews and uppity blacks, lots of women. Maybe they will start with the Jews , easier to identify.

PS: Russia now rounding up supporters of Navalny. No pretext needed.

Don't believe it could happen to Texans? It will happen here first and fast cause GOP as already got us at each others throats with the MAGA crowd armed to the teeth and their collective morality squeeged away over 30 years of rule. Impunity then, impunity now, impunity forever.

I wish someone would ask Goldman how he justifies being MAGA,oppostion candidates or the press! BTW Dear Readers FWST endorsed Goldman without asking the question.

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one final though as relates the border........this week we celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of Cancun Cruz's flight to Mexico................what a hero!1

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Terrific analysis, Michelle! And thanks for always reminding us that we have the power to change things -- VOTE!

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