I know my neighbors some how imagine we don't live in an MRSA of about 5M.....

here is the reality....West Dallas is East FTW..on this problem the well heeled folks of Parks Cities are deluded....

not bad...not pretty bad for Texas...but the very worst in the whole USA


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re: turncoat black Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson ...he didn't run as an R....he switched after he was elected......

"TM: You went out of your way to tell people that you voted for Donald Trump in the March primary. Given that many of the people who voted for you hate Trump"

Mattie Parker ...mayor of FTW , voted for Niki Haley

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At some point in 2018 my zip, 76109, was awash in Beto signs...Beto outnumbered Contraception Cruz 10-1. He had an office next door to Railhead BBQ.

no signs yet of Colin...too soon?

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who knows maybe this year i will finally hear from my Pct. Capt!

i went thru the roster of orgs...missing is SW Dems.......i noticed several websites/FB's are about 1000% more engaging than the TCDP website and Amtrak schedule...just saying

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Too soon. Maybe August/September

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TT reports Contraception Cruz ahead by 10.....could it be Colin's insipid commercials?

in the age old battle between fight and flight, Colin has chosen a 3rd way....hide

At least I know how zealously Cruz will lie on my behalf if I were MAGA........

I am not from Dallas so i don't know what Colin will do. I do know he won't produce a commercial that inspires, enrages or engages me.....He is very nice to his mom though.

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Bo French Chair of Tarrant R Party posts these headlines in this weeks "weekly roundup"

"JP Morgan Exec Uses Racial Slurs"

"Last Saturday was the "Trinity Pride Fest" here in Fort Worth. As always with "Pride" events, there were children present wrongly exposed to sexually-themed performances. "

"TCC Teaches Sexual Degeneracy"

he rounds it up with actual Ted Cruz events and action plans for supporters

over at Tarant Democratic Party HQ Chair Crystal Gayden has NO newsletter. Dem voters are left guessing about everything.

who do u think will win ALL of the downballot races?...........and help Texas slide further towards 1863......it will be said in the Obit that Tarrant County did nothing to prevent is degeneracy.

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Any sense TCDP is doing anything to protect the integrity of our vote?

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Any comment from any R in Tarrant County? Anyone ask for a comment? Any D, dead or alive , say anything to anyone anywhere, if only to whisper to themselves as they mow the lawn. Can u imagine Tarrants R's reaction , say if someone on the Biden campaign passed wind at some event????? Ever the predictable Tarrant D's lay down for the steamroller that is the MAGA party. and take an imortant issue and drop it like a burning briquet. Does that mean we accept that criminal behavoir or Team Morris behavoir....Sure sounds like it D's.

"Robert Morris has resigned as the senior pastor of the Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.(TARRANT) He got the heave-ho after it turned out that the “young woman’ he previously admitted to having an “inappropriate relationship” with when he was in his early 20s was, in fact, 12 years old." DK and about 1000 other outlets.

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No. They've been radio silent.

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i guess as a pedo u might expect something like this.....ps this story has legs if any D's want to chase it down......."Trump adviser and pedo coddled by church elders"...its just the kind of thing that might turn a couple of Christo-facists off Trump

"Pastor Robert Morris tried to scare his sex abuse victim with threat of prosecution"

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update: several Tarrant R electos have commented critically....i guess no D, say Lawyer and CC Gayden have any thoughts or opinions on the crime or the 35 year coverup by Morris and Gateway leaders.

Good news: Morris installed his son as the new leader...............Dear Jesus , I hope they aren't worried any D would have anything to say about that. I can assure them no one will.

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