Thanks again for a very well written article. I sincerely hope that non-voting Texans understand the stakes involved in the coming elections and vote. I echo the sentiments that you have expressed in your last two paras brilliantly, "With 9.5 million non-voting Texans holding the power to shape the future of their state, the stakes could not be higher. If these voices remain silent, there is a real risk of a further shift towards a more authoritarian, fascistic approach to governance. This will further erode the principles of democracy, justice, and human rights.

"Republicans have let fear, hatred, and division overshadow the values of compassion, inclusivity, and respect for all life. It is imperative for every eligible voter in Texas to recognize the gravity of this moment and to use their vote as a decisive stand against the tide of fascism. This is not merely a choice between different political parties or policies; it is a choice about the kind of society Texans want to live in and the legacy they wish to leave for future generations."

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i am not making a prediction but i think these guys are so far up each other's asses maybe they can't hear what R's are saying...the narrative is that every R is a bloodthirsty MAGite ....but what if they aren't actually....we only see and hear from the loudmouths

just saying it could backfire

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“We’re not shooting people who come across the border, because of course the Biden administration would charge us with murder.”

- Greg Abbott

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