holy hell — watching thierry’s pathetically grotesque crocodile tears while trying NOT to hit something or someone was a grueling exercise in self-restraint!!

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Little know fact....in 1865 registered voters, that being white men with property , the original MAGAites,

voted by only 12 votes to seceede from the union.

Today Tarrant County is expressly MAGA territory....mostly cause Dems don't fight ...

"A board of commissioners in Tarrant County, Texas, acting on the demands of local Republicans, voted against funding the local program to shuttle people to the polls for free — a service the public transit agency has provided since 2019, and that the county government contributed toward in 2022, a new report shows."

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Bud is right on target

"Texas Republicans used to be smart business leaders. They built highways, lakes, airports and universities to make Texas great. Now, business leaders are targets for abuse and derision from other Republicans."

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/bud-kennedy/article285826731.html#storylink=cpy

and this in case any candidate wants to tik-tok their way to victory

"So far, nearly half the voters in both party primaries are age 70 and older, according to Republican consultant Derek Ryan, who analyzes turnout daily in Texas elections."

translation: emails email emals...Coling gets it ....all to well...Gut couldn't bother nor has any CD 12 D.

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i trust you on thierry...now point your ire to Gehrig and Hunt who have nothing to say about Putin punk ass sympathizer Craig 'the appeaser' Goldman in the 12th.

this on Trey 'on the hunt' hunt's Facebook..........................I didn't make it up. A direct quote.

"The only MAGA-endorsed Democratic candidate in Texas's 12th U.S. Congressional district!"


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Navaly assassination big news...........................mike johnson absolute capitulation to Trump not playing well with R's

Gehrig and Hunt say nothing.........................Craig 'collabarator' Goldman takes the 12th in a walk

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