Am I the only one who remembers Republican "nanny state" backlash against Susan Combs when she tried to limit sugary foods and snacks in the schools? I believe the legislature went on to pass a cupcake law authorizing grandmothers to bring cupcakes and cookies for birthdays.

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The same thing happened when Michelle Obama tried to make school lunches healthier. 😭

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get em young ., get em old

"More than 60% of middle-class Americans say they are relying on Medicaid as a safety net to pay for long-term nursing care in their old age."-from some source i can't remember

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the gal has the goods

maybe someone can mention to her us old farts don't do SM except FB


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I'm not going to make any comments about her due to her age. She's younger than some of my kids. Her heart is in the right place, but she still has a lot to learn. Texas needs all the activists they can get, so I hope she continues to fight for a better Texas.

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I can't even find the name of the finance director at TCDP...not anywhere on the website. They guy who squirmed and wormed about how the party helps pct. chairs

so a young girl with a million followers....she gets my vote

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Heh Dums.......Kathy Hochul..Gov NY State got her start winning a Congressional seat in a deep red New York District. She ran in voiceferour opposition to Paul Ryan's cruel attempt to modify Medicare

any light bulbs go off?

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Play "We are the Champions' in your head

"HOUSTON — Almost 1 million Texas children and teens went without health insurance at some point over the most recent year recorded. Many of them live in Houston, which has a higher rate of uninsured children than any other major metropolitan area in the nation.

Overall, Texas has the worst coverage rate for kids in the country, with nearly 12% going uninsured in 2023 — up from nearly 11% in 2022."

and Congress wants to cut $800B from Medicaid


I am thinking, most Texans , even MAGA would be appalled if they knew this...thing is no one tells em....wasn't reported in FWST or WBAP.........i mean honestly , how many read Tex Trib

know what every county has? Precints.....Tarrant has 4500 of em...each with a pct. chair.....

In Tarrant we spent $4000 on VAN to message every voter in any of those 4500 pcts. Didn't happen of course. I am not sure we messaged every pct. chair.

So the most important message for both quality of life and winnablity gets pidgeon-holed.

MAGA 1- Dems 0


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