My thoughts after watching your recent reporting on the good ole boys (MAGAS) going at each other like jackals, is who were all the women who voted for them. And now we're at the precipice of totally controlling females' bodies. I wonder if they'll stop prosecuting rapists if women decide to keep their legs together. Big Brother is definitely here. I hope this doesn't sound too crude, but what they're proposing is cruel and horrendous.

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They live in alternative universes.

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after seeing the percentage of american women that voted for trump i asked myself the same thing — who are these people and what’s their damage? i only wish i had all the answers but i can only assume that these ladies either hate other women, are super subservient to their MAGA loving husbands, are incapable of critical thinking +/or unable to think for themselves, or disturbingly believe trump represents / embodies “true masculinity”.

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unfortunately a goodly number of those women are upper middle class white women I know.

We need a longitudinal study or 2. What are they thinking?

My cousin became virulently Trumpy.....she teaches school in Aurora, Co. ISD....who are being raided today. Students stopped going to school.

She refuses to answer my simple inquiry"

Happy Cuz?

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Wait for it......wait for it.....the reaction from the largest red county* in Texas is............................chirp chirp

*Tarrant County used to be purple people voting for Beto and Biden.

Political Scientists should use us to study the affects of 3 administrations of listless, aimless, self involved constituent neglecting county party leadership and how rapidly they can decline into irrelevance. I will give away the ending...fast Its like pro soccer ...We relegated to 3rd Divsion in one season.

We are now the brunt of Tarrant MAGA jokes. We will get even though, when attend our annual Mardi Gras fundraiser(i could think of a different theme in Cowtown during the Fat Stock Show and Rodeo) . We will toast ourselves and praise each other on our ...faillure? The them is ' It could be Worse'* all the while paying the MAGA venue owners a princely sum to rent their palace. Some how a North Side Quincera Hall with money going to a FTW Democrat is not befitting our misperceptions of ourselves.

*It couldn't be worse

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