to our intrepid reporter: Great reporting .

not a comment on ur words....but as a dude, in front of his keyboard....ignored by every candidate but Colin....or some one larger like Beto.......but especially ignored by our local county party...who i reiterate..doesn't even have a functioning FB....

goals are not actions

U just have to type Tarrant County REPUBLICAN Party and out jump actions, plans, campaigns, meetups, guest stars

Try it your self for ur County...but especially compare and contrast Tarrant D's and Tarrant Rs'

so until i see some action out of those clowns on Sais, i suggest u write FTW off.

maybe we will get em in 2032

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Tarrant Young Democrats are doing some really great things. I know their age restrictions leave out you and I both, but they are doing some good things in Tarrant County right now.

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ur making my point...i don't care if they are toddlers....our County has no Dems out there Dem'ing. Several colleges have some sort of club. Can u name em?....TCU had, has , or will have one....google em and let me know what u find. I couldn't find one functioning college D outfit in all of Tarrant C.

Is there a young Republican on planet earth who doesn't know who to call?

Kids...if u want abortion rights and contraceptive rights and gay rights and weed and want to clean up Tarrant County air u have to elect Dems.....

oh and liberty and the constitution!!

you can be aggrieved later ...i will join u

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let me beat a dead horse....again.....MD ..ur probably the only local who watched the convention. There is no news that the Chair or any EC member went or stayed home and watched on TV.

That's like 26 or 27 people plus the pct chairs..if they don't want to do shit, volunteer for something else.

again...I did it this weekend.....i responded to FWST editorials......I am the only guy in Christendom doing this....no one from the party.....including none of ur youngsters.......so our local paper, who skews to older readers , has editorials that range from this side of Mars to the other side of Mars......the lunacy is unchallenged.......How many articles are written about MAGA cultist.....well this is why ...R message morning noon and night...Dems don't fight back even when the local paper is inviting them too!

Any man, woman or child can rebut the lunatics....FREE OF CHARGE.....in fact FWST encourages people to do that. They make it super dooper easy.

Not one D, of say the 600K+ that reside in Tarrant , do respond ...but especially no political leaders...so RW lunacy remains unchallenged..

Let me repeat ..........it is totally FREE OF CHARGE

If i was a D inclined voter and don't see hide nor hare of any D anything....i don't think I'd vote.

Would u?

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Much appreciated, Michelle! I wasn't able to go to the convention. I'm not deep into long-term party politics so I don't pay attention to the "drama" and from my point of view, it's counter-productive. LOVE Rep Ann Johnson's speech! Didn't know about her -- adding her to my list of people who represent hope for a better Texas.

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Rep Johnson is fantastic, she's based out of Houston, and she reminds me of a young Jody Foster. Love her.

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I was talking to a Mexican American fixing my street today. He works for the city.

I asked..who u voting for?..he said.................mmmmmmmmmmmmm

now whose fault is that?.....mine, his, LSL. or Tarrant Leadership....

listened to all the speechs....they evidentially have never been to FTW....which is moving backward....Texas will never be D without FTW.....R's understand how important TC is....us D's......"heh no biggie"..."demographics is destiny"....".we might get em in 2052. then again maybe not. Que sera sera."

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