To quote Robert Earle Keene, 'its the little things, the itty bitty things"

To our Austin friends....why does any modern hi-tech company move to Austin?............cause no D tells 'em its the middle ages for their women employees.

i porposed sending a poster to all bars/restaurants advising that emploees likely qulify for big Obamcare subsidies......tell em Dems got ur halth care back

same same as regards to open enrollment period,.......set up tables in public places advising folks of their HC options again crediting Dems...............cost nothing

rent time on an e-billoard.....attach a go fund me account to it........who knows it my perputae itself

but do something or a miliion little bitty somethings.........

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here is a hedline from TO....https://www.texasobserver.org/affordable-health-care-eludes-family-farmers-ranchers/?goal=0_975e2d1fa1-586e2a284d-34705623&mc_cid=586e2a284d&mc_eid=c5276b3c85

how many of therse poor slubs have been conned into thinking o'care is akin to satanic worship

FYI u need a certain amount of reported income to qualfy to for O'care subsidies..there are many creative and legal ways to get there.

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i doubt this is news to u readers here but i have come up with a formula

R=MAGA =Traitor...............so every one of ur R friends and neigbors are guilty of treason

WWPRD... What would Paul Revere do!

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a little lagniape....Todd Synder, San Martian and graduate of Cheatam Street Wharehouse School of Song and Dance, authored the line in reference to the orange jesus

"Reality Killed by a Reality Star"

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You show a great pie graph. I should be able to find the source, but could you identify?

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I made it myself in Google Sheets. It’s based on the numbers from the Secretary of State.

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anyone who knows anyone who can call someone who can.........ask kay granger CD-12to support discharge petition to pass Ukraine aid

if u know anyone else who knows a R-congressman, do the same...............fuck mike johnon and all the traitors

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if only a matter of pride....he had yard signs in 2022..i know cause i still have one

he could have stuck one left over sign in sign central, hulen and bellaire.....just to show some proof of life

i don't know who convinced gehrig he ought to run........but he lost to a guy who he himself shows no signs of running

i am sure TCDP is patting itself on the back cause it had 2 candidates for CD 12....

BTW I got emails from TCDP EC's objecting to my criticisms.....i invited them , some 29, to post here.........any signs of any TCDP EC's round here?

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sorry to use this forum to beat a dead horse, its the only way to get thru to some dunderheads

victor orban says trump won't fund ukraine...Here in FTW we are home to Lockkeed and Bell and JNAS.

The winer of CD 12 will have these as constituents. Our Dem Candidate can't even bring himself to mention this..........he is more intertested in pickle poolza....Okay Trey Hunt, you don't care about Ukraine, but maybe u can make one or 2 of ur R opponents to commit to fund, or not. In fact challenge them so we have them on record.....Hold a press conference, even it only Greensheet shows...dicking around on FB ain't a campagin. Have fun with the leading R , Craig Goldman ,being Jewish and trying to sound like Trump without being a collabator....(yes that word from Nazi Germany) . I would take that and run for the next 30 days, that would be easy to make a national story......."Congressionman wanna be from the District which makes the F-35 supports Trump over Freedom"

Meanwhile back at Pickle Palloza.....yes that was his breaking news on his FB.

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trey shouldn’t have filed to run if he has no interest in winning, and he’s definitely coming across as a candidate who could care less.

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Here is my email to the Chair and entire EC of TCDP.....dollars to donuts i don't hear a peep from anybody

"Folks at TCDP: here is one of those cheap ideas u ask for but never act on

he'll u never even respond........if u'd like to kick R's in the balls

get some space on an e-billboard on 1-30 going out to weatherford

"Join the Members in Good Standing in the Putin Appeaser's Club"

then list every R congressperson or hopeful

few hundred dollars....hell i'd even donate"

PS: would work in SA or EP too!

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Do you think TX12 is flippable?

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It was Kay by 30 so there is that........but a competent candidate could make great inroads....gehrig was retired AF so there was that angle........aerospace seems ungettable unless we Sept. 11th'd Trump and Co.......would get alot of defense and union guys looking at us. plus it would to save Ukraine, then Poland, then Western Europe from being overun by Putin............for all i know Hunt doesn't care

PS: Colin has article on front page of FWST..one assumes their0 PR guy made it happen.

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maybe not Texas but this gal hits it outta there park...BTW Texas R's share the same attutde towards women as Alabma does


expired tax credits..I didn"t know

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