let me say......healthcare indivisible FTW or Texas says nothing about this...no SR candidate talked about it, no SS candidate talked about it, no congressional candidate nor senate candidate, no state wide candidate talked about, no constable, RR commission, comptroller, treasurer, mayor, judicial candidate talked about it. No party chair or committee talked about it. No clergy or Sherriffs candidate talked about it.

About what? Medicaid Expansion and the 1.4m Texans uncovered. A program Oklahoma and Louisiana, Mo, Ark, a whole lot of other redneck shithead states have.

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so Abbott and MAGA and Tea Party before them are simply cruel, given that other, poorer states have passed ME and we, with $32B surplus, won't.

Worser, much worse, is no Dem talks about this issue polling at 75% approval. IOW we Dems have our heads stuck firmly up our own asses.

We are collectively cowardly, stupid and inept.......and poor or working class whites and brown know this.

The state gets redder as we ignore issues of concern to them.

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As someone seeing universal healthcare as a human right that should not be a partisan issue, I loved Michelle's well written and sourced article. Several related ones are referenced on my site here: https://MHealthTalk.com/policies/.

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Well said. Agreed. 👍

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Estimated savings from universal healthcare go far beyond the $450B annual savings (from Yale) or the $2 trillion savings over 10 years (from Mercatus Center). And they don't account for the down-stream benefits of improved workforce productivity, lives saved, and more. A simple back of the napkin calculation shows real savings could exceed $2 trillion PER YEAR.

That's based on total U.S. health care costs of $4.9 trillion (in 2023) and the fact that we spend about twice as much per capita as other rich nations who cover everyone universally and have generally better longevity and health outcomes.

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